Bad Romance _ English Comedy Show _ Berlin (Neukölln)

Bad Romance _ English Comedy Show _ Berlin (Neukölln)


Niemetzstraße 24, 12055 Berlin, Germany Kartta

We want your karma
The touch of your laughs
We want your cheers making us feel like a band
We want your love
Love-love-love, We want your love

You know that we want you
And you know that we need you
We want it bad, bad romance!

Ben and Carmen regardless of many bad romances, have stayed fabulous, glamorous , strong and free: a status that they would like to celebrate with you, by doing what has always made them happy: COMEDY!

Join two of the sexiest and most likeable comedians on the Berlin scene for a night of guaranteed laughter. They will each be performing extended sets of their old and new material!

The Vibe of the night will be:
I am fabulous and free! Deal with it.

Doors open at 20:30
Show starts at 21:00
Suggested donation: between 5 and 10 euros.

Carmen Chraim
 Carmen Chraim