



Inbody Center

Vía Layetana, Barcelona, España Kartta

Every Thursday Lezanne Swart, yoga teacher (RYT) of Hatha styles, Vinyasa and Ashtanga Yoga, offers a yoga class matching your physical requirements. Try your first class for only 5 €!

Benefits of Yoga:

releases tension
relieve your pain
improve your posture

Do you suffer from headaches, tense shoulders and tired arms?

If you are one of the 80% of the population that suffers from back pain Yoga is the remedy to release those tensions. By spending most of our days hunched forward: computers, desks, cars, motorcycles, etc … we cause tension and discomfort not only on a physcial but also emotional level. We feel that life does not flow easily. Through the practice of Yoga you can strengthen and stretch the muscles of your spine, open your chest and enjoy a pain free back.

Maike Stolte
 Maike Stolte