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family visit visa

Publié dans forum Arabie Saoudite

my family vist visa reply coming diffrent language how i can know about reply . pleas tell me what is reply ? my application number is 4472859 and id is 2276061336

  • Se rendre au profil de Syed Sameer Ahmed

    publié par  dans forum Arabie Saoudite 

    Dear Brother your visa is issued. for the language problem, you need to go to control panel in your computer and in regional settings - then click on region and language and select the administrative tab and then click on change system locale and select Saudi Arabia - Arabic. this will let you view your visa in the correct language. Also do not worry about changing the language locale as this want alter your computer language. its safe.


    Syed Sameer Ahmed

  • Se rendre au profil de mohammed rafi

    publié par  dans forum Arabie Saoudite

    click this link you will get your visa

  • Se rendre au profil de mohammed rafi

    publié par  dans forum Arabie Saoudite 

    Your visa is already issued my brother

    Mohammed Rafi
    Cell : 0504996104

  • publié par  dans forum Arabie Saoudite 

    you can send to my email [...] i try to help free.

    god bless you

  • B a

    publié par  dans forum Arabie Saoudite 

    you use google translate ,

    or send it to me i will translate it for u

  • Se rendre au profil de abdul ahad

    publié par  dans forum Arabie Saoudite 

    hey u got already ur visa

    i thing u know now

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