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Migrating to Kuwait Soon

Publié dans forum Koweït

Hi :) i will be migrating to Kuwait soon. Maybe this Sept. I will go there to be with my Mom and and also get a nice job. I am also hoping to meet new friends :) any tips for someone like me that will be moving there soon?

  • Se rendre au profil de Anthony Cole

    publié par  dans forum Koweït 

    Hello Danielle:

    I have been living in Kuwait since last April. As everyone has mentioned, it is quite hot here this time of year, but the humidity is not as bad as some have said, it can get up into the 35% range, which makes it feel hotter. By the end of September the worst of the heat will be over. However, it very seldom rains here, so it is commonly hazy and dusty. Most people spend their free time at the malls here, and it would be good to have a hobby to keep your mind busy when you are not working. The people here are very kind, and English is widely spoken. I have found that the more popular restaurants are a bit expensive, but I would expect that cheaper options are available if one were to search for them.

    I have lived overseas in five different countries, and believe that one's mental attitude about a new location is critical to it being a successful move. There are positives and negative everywhere, so focus on the positive, view it as an adventure, and make the best of it.

    Best wishes

  • MAN Manner

    publié par  dans forum Koweït 

    Hello Daniele,
    I used to work and live in Kuwait for a while in the past, Kuwait is a nice place in general specially in December, January and February, in summer time like this time it's really very hot so always remember to cover ur head with hat to avoid direct sun rays on ur head, for a beautiful girl like you plz be noted that other nationalities guys there specially American an Arab think Asian girls r easy and can be bought and doesn't deserve a real or long relationship ,not all of them of course but most of them, so be aware and confident.

    Wish you good luck and nice stay there and above that I wish you wisdom and the ability to use it in your life.

    Muhd Sammur

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