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Cost of Living in Sohar,Oman

Publié dans forum Oman

Salaam Wale-kum and Hello

I have got an opportunity to work for a Co in Sohar,Oman.
Can anyone help me with the cost of Living for a Couple. I come from the 'Back Office of the World' city in India, i.e Bangalore so am used to the cosmopolitan life.
Any guidance of Accomodation of 2 Bedroom, Living Room Apartment with Utilities, Restaurant Prices, Movie Tickets, Car Rentals, type of expenses would help me to plan it accordingly.

I am a Maintenance Consultant by profession. Thanks for your help in advance.


  • mak joe

    publié par  dans forum Oman 

    Dear 2 bed room will cost you around 250 to 340 OMR approximately , depending upon location these rates are for ruwi are I am not sure abour sohar.
    Each meal in restaurant wil cost you around 1.2 to 1.5 OMR
    car rental 10 OMR ( Minimum ) but not sure
    This all I can help you

  • Se rendre au profil de Vinay Maithani

    publié par  dans forum Oman 

    Its good to hear from you. and really appreciate your kind help in this regard.
    Will keep in touch with you.
    Will send a test mail to you .


  • Se rendre au profil de Mr. Aziz

    publié par  dans forum Oman 

    Not sure about sohar but as of muscat it can be as..

    House rent 2BHk = 250 plus
    water electricity = 20 plus
    restaurant = 0.4-0.5OMR (pulses) / 0.8-1.2 OMR(meat/chicken=/fish/biryani)
    kfc are app 2OMR per person

    tickets to movie are 1.5OMR per person etc
    hope it helps

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