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Very new arrival

Publié dans forum La Hague

Hi there

I am new to The Hague and looking to meet up with anyone who is in the same boat as me. So drop me a line if you feel like a drink etc


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  • chamour abdelouahed

    publié par  dans forum La Hague 

    I'm a also new in The Hague. I would like to meet new people and make new friends.

    cheers ;)

  • Se rendre au profil de Debbie Young

    publié par  dans forum La Hague 

    I'm moving to the hague in a couple of months, we should meet up! I'm from Glasgow and will have no pals on arrival! it'd be nice to meet up for a wee drink! what are you doing in den haag?


  • Wilhelmus Ladies

    publié par  dans forum La Hague 

    Try football (the rolling ball version) as a way to meet people! Our club has men’s and women’s team, both train every Wednesday and enjoy a drink afterwards together. Come and try out a training. We meet every Wednesday at 19.15 hours. Email me for more questions: [...]
    Our site:
    Or on Facebook:

  • Veronica Frances

    publié par  dans forum La Hague 

    Hi All,
    I am also looking to meet new people in the Hague.

    I see that this is a post from March, did you guys all meet up? WIll you meet again sometime in the future...?
    If so, I would love to join!
    Hopefully see you soon!


  • J.P. F

    publié par  dans forum La Hague 

    Hello - I'm new as well and would be up for a drink! Just send me a message if you're interested - thanks!

  • Ingrid Hegedüs

    publié par  dans forum La Hague 


    I'm a new girl in The Hague. I would like to meet new people and make friends.

  • Jales R

    publié par  dans forum La Hague 

    im also new, but i live in rijswijk ...really near to the hague. i would like to meet other people as well. maybe we can meet up?

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