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Auswandern in die Türkei

Publié dans forum Turquie

Bin Frührentner in Deutschland und plane in der noch fernen Zukunft evtl.
in die Türkei auszuwandern.
Möglich an die türkische Reviera, Alanya wäre es.
Ich wünschte mir ein paar Infos über die Türkei.
Lebenshaltungskosten (meine Rente beträgt etwa 450 € / Monat), die von meiner Partnerin wird so zwischen 800 - 900 € / Monat liegen.
Reicht das aus ?
Kann man in der Türkei preiswert Autos kaufen ?
Wie ist das mit der Krankenversicherung ?
Gibt es eine Pflege wie in D ?
Ist die Sprache schwer zu lernen ? Muss man überhaupt türkisch können ?

Wie ist die Mentalität der Türken ?
O Mann, ganz viele Fragen - welche nette Mensch aus der Türkei-Community kann helfen ?

Se rendre au profil de Utilisateur supprimé

  • Filiz Uzunakkaş

    publié par  dans forum Turquie 

    die rente die Sİe haben reicht vollkommen aus. Wie leben seit 2007 in Antalya. Mit der Krankenversicherung haben wir das so gemacht, dass wir einen auslandschein geholt haben das laeuft problemlos. Bei dem Auto sollte man nicht gleich das erst beste kaufen, sondern mehrere Haendler vergleichen und gegebenfalls auch Handeln. Falls noch Fragen sein sollten, können Sie sich jederzeit melden
    gruss filiz

  • Dennis Urcan

    publié par  dans forum Turquie 

    werde das gleich machen wie du aber schohn in 3 monaten gehts los erstmahl für 2 monate
    kanst dich gerne melden
    gruss dennis

  • Cihan KIZIL

    publié par  dans forum Turquie 

    Well, I think money is the most important matter in this situation. In 1961, Germany asked for Turkish labor force first time and hundreds thousands Turk went there till the mid of 70s. They would not do that if they did not earn twice or trible amount of money in Germany and have better life . Now there are millions in Germany but we can say that German-born second and third generation is German more than Turk.

    Turkey is more beatiful than Germany and Turkey is not the one in 60s. To be honest, there are many bad things in Turkey such as low education level, less discipline, traffic etc but you can live your dreams if you do not care everything.

    Salt, I wonder what you listen to. I may recommend something if you can give me some names or songs you like.

  • Salt .


    publié par  Salt . dans forum Turquie 

    what a nice conversation:) but what a paradox is that German man wants to live in Turkey, as a community of aprox 3 million people of turkish resides in Germany.

    Still, I encourage you (Klaus) to follow your dreams, as we live only once.

    Definately, Istanbul is just Awesome:)

    I would move to Istanbul as well, If i could have opportunities:) but still i am struggling in my country for professional experience that later on I would be able to do as Mrs Klaus:)

    By the way, I suggest to start listening turkish music as u will get more easier with language:) i am doing so:) and also learning:))

    Good luck!


  • publié par  dans forum Turquie 

    Hello, thank you for your answer.
    It is very helpfully for me.
    First I will learn a little bit of the Turkish language.
    I have a book for Turkish pupils to learn the first words, then I go to the adult evening classes to learn how to speak and something about the Turkish Grammar.
    In the next year in spring I will go and look....
    So many greetings

  • Cihan KIZIL

    publié par  dans forum Turquie 

    I really understand you but living is really harder according to the past not only in Germany, for all over the world. I was in Europe one month ago and I visited Köln too. Tell the truth, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, they all expensive to live. Clothes, foods and services are cheaper in Turkey but we also do not earn much money as Europeans. I'm pretty sure that amount will be sufficient for both of you. Especially if you have some savings to buy a house.

    It is truth that holiday and to live is different. Probably you visited these places in summer. If there is a chance, I suggest you to visit in winter. It will help yo to decide. There will be much less people and less things to do. Actually, it may not be a bad thing if you do not like crowd. And you can go to downtown or to Istanbul by a plane if you get bored. It's the biggest city of Turkey and there are many things to do. I recommend you to visit Istanbul too.

  • publié par  dans forum Turquie 

    Hello, thank yo for your answer in English.

    Yes, I i plan to emigrate to Turkey, because the situation in Germany is very bad.
    There are a lot of rulkes to get money and the working people are not more human
    beings, they are only machines for the Politicians.
    That is not the life I dream, in former days it was better in Germany, so now
    it is only a fight to survive.
    There is no work to find, the only - and the best thing is that you get money from government til your pension. They pay the flat and you get money to eat and to drink and you can buy cheap clothes. That is all.
    But mostly you have to fight for your rights and for money.
    And that makes you very depressive...
    A lot of people are very bad. It is very hard to make connections to other people,
    because they only fight for the money and forget to live...
    I dream of a better life and I know it is possible for me in Turkey.
    I was in holidays with my wife (not married) several times, in Alanya, Side, Antalya, Izmir and I must say, Turkey is a beautiful country. we have seen a lot of things, for example Cappadokia, Pamukkale, we have made boat trips on the River manavgat and so on...
    My dream is Alanya. I like it so much, and my wife too ...
    We have lost our hearts in this town...
    I know that there is a difference to make a three-week-holiday or to live in this town for ever.
    Bu I will try.
    First I learn the language, o.k., I have started three days before... But it is a first step. Then I will come to Alanya and see ...
    I need a person where I can sleep and then step by step my dreams will be reality.
    I hope (I have an invalidity pension about 450 € - my wife will get perhaps 900 € a month) that we can get an IKAMET with this money.
    Maybe you will answer...

  • Cihan KIZIL

    publié par  dans forum Turquie 

    If you know English, I can try to help and answer your questions. Sorry I do not know German, just a little bit familiar with Deutsch because I sometimes use .

    If it does not include rent for house 800-900€ will be sufficient for a good life in Turkey. Turkish grammer is not so easy to learn but people are always helpful and they try to understand even you use your hands an mimics to communicate. You can learn basic words for the beginning and they will be enough to live and solve your problems. Also there are many German live in Alanya. It's like a small Germany, you will not feel a foreigner so much there :)

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