International yoga festival 2019


GMVNL, Ganga Resort, Rishikesh

Ganga Resort, GMVNL Plan

IYF-2019 or the International Yog Festival 2019 is all set to be one of the largest yoga events ever organized and is a must-see for all yoga enthusiasts. Our mission is to create such a platform where all traditional and modern styles of yoga can come together and learn from each other. International Yog Festival 2019, brought to you by Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDB) & Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam (GMVN) at Ganga Resort, Muni Ki Reti (Rishikesh), Uttarakhand from 01-March-2019 to 07-March-2019.

Register today for International yog festival 2019. Limited seats are available and the allotment of seats at each yoga session/class shall be made on first come first serve basis.