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Are Germans rude??

פורסם ב גרמניה פורום

Many of my foreign friends who live in Germany complain that Germans are very rude - or at least unfriendly.

Obviously, as a German myself I don't really experience us that way. But I would like your opinion: Are we really as cold as some people say????

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של T Y

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    His approval rating was all time low, and he magically managed to kill bin laden in such a timely manner. He already lost the support from a lot of democrats after continuing with Bush's legacy for so long. He needs another false flag terror attack or something drastic to deceive the Americans again to stay in power.

    Otherwise, there's going to be a republican president next time, but again, it'll be another globalists puppet.

    This left vs right paradigm in the US is getting out of control. Both democrats and republicans are lobbying the multinational corporations to rob the Americans. And worse, the congress is losing its power, the people have lost their say. Not to mention the legitimacy of their voting machines...

  • פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    I think having a trial and all that... who knows how long that would take, and what could happen, how would people take it.

    The left is going to vote for Obama next time, no doubt, with or without Osama. With a trial some possible voters would have said he was soft on terror and imagine if something had happened because of the trial, or during, or who knows.

    I think possible voters that would oppose the killing would be on the left, and those votes he already has no matter what. I think he can get more votes from the non-left this way.

    Come next election, Obama can say, remember Bush couldn't get him, remember who got him?

    I'm no expert, but I'm thinking this gets him more votes than a trial.

  • פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    ...because I think it would have helped to let OBL stand trial to destroy his mystical aura and show him for what he is/was.
    That would have prevented the transformation into a martyr. There is even a precedent for that, I´m thinking of A. Guzman, the leader of Peru´s Shining Path- once he was presented in front of a jury, the number of his followers dwindled because he unmasked himself as an unstable sociopath- well, too late now. On the other hand, it is propably too much honor for Osama to think he was still important for Al-Qaida, if indeed he ever had been.
    I mean, what evidence apart from him bragging on Video is there that he ever had a hand in planning the 9/11 attacks or the embassy bombings?

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של John Lovejoy

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    Excellent point and right on the money.
    We arrest people….not assassinate and then brag about it.
    He was unarmed!!!
    That’s a new one.
    Shame on Obama for ordering this.

  • פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    Maybe we should add that that was not meant to be taken seriously, there are some people in this forum who have a hard time recognizing irony when they see it. But who would want to hear about an understanding, fair, butter-wouldn´t-melt teacher who treats his pupils always respectfully and would never crack inappropriate jokes?
    I know my pupils wouldn´t !

    And I think your explanation about organizing makes perfect sense. My organizational skills are like Shakespeare: "It´s madness, but there´s method in it!"

    DAMN! Smartassing again! I should go see a shrink...

  • פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    Well that's what people say about the Germans (so I've heard)... it's the general opinion, there are always exceptions, so don't you worry! :D To be honest I think one of my best German buddies is not organized at all... I mean she tries but it's kinda messy organizing! If that makes any sense... :D
    Smartass know-it-all cold and rude teacher... I think those kids you teach will be well prepared for life!! ;) :D :D

  • פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    I wish I would fit the sterotype and were half as organized and meticulous as Germans are thought to be.
    But well, at least I´m a smartass and know-it-all (kind of a job prerequisite as a teacher), so I fit the bill at least partly. But cold and rude? Only to my pupils, you know, they need to be toughened up to be able to survive here. ;)

  • פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    Well as a Czech person, who spent 9 years of her life living on the Czech-German border and was surrounded by German people I can say that they are little bit like us (Czechs so it is). In a way that they seem cold and rude. My personal experience is that they are quite reserved towards other people. But once you crack that shell of theirs you have friends for life. They are very well organised and like to do things their and no other way (based on an experience - watching my German friends :D) - which drives me nuts.

    Though I can really understand that dealing with German people can be quite difficult especially for people from the latin countries, let there be no doubt, you guys are so friendly etc.

    Overall my personal experience is that you find nice people everythere, sometimes it takes longer. And in regards to Germany, I was in Hamburg for a wee holiday last year and in Frankfurt for couple day the year before that and in both cases I had a great time. Everybody was very polite, very friendly and helpful. And yes, adapting their manners doesn't help. Be patient and smile and don't give up! :D

  • פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום it was possible to arrest all those badass war criminals from the Balcans, like Milosevic, Karadczicz and now Mladic WITHOUT EVEN HARMING THEM. And the last arrest by the Serbian authorities, no less, who really can´t be all that interested in letting the Europeans conduct a long and embarrassing trial at Den Haag.
    Really makes one wonder what´s cooking in the US of A.

  • פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    Not sure that would have been that easy, that would be kidnapping, international kidnapping.

    I'm going to trust the professionals on that one.

    I like some of the thigs Ron Paul says but getting rid of the FBI is NOT one of them

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