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About Libya's jewelry market

פורסם ב לוב פורום

Hi,everybody, I'm a sales, and now i am researching the jewelry market in Libya, i wonder is there anyone who can tell me anything about the market?

and if you tell me the gathered place for jewelry or shopping center is perfect. Many thanks!

Hope i can get the reply soon. Thanks!

  • Mouhssine Amouri

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  לוב פורום 

    what do you want from jewelry market? do you want to buy or to sale jewelry
    i spent 13 years there and i know libya more than i know my country but if you want to sale so it is not your place because jewelry is very cheap there, so if you want to sale jewelry so come here in morocco and you will make a great affair
    have a nice day

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