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Why is it so hard to make friends in Switzerland??

פורסם ב שווייץ פורום

Is it just me or is it really hard to find some people in Switzerland who are willing to make good friends with you (especially to foreigners)??
I've been there for only 6 months and I heard you need at least 3 months to completely settle down there so maybe I've been there just too short...what do you think?

עבור אל הפרופיל של

משתמש בוטל

  • פורסם על ידי  ב-  שווייץ פורום 

    The vote for an automatic expel of foreign criminals was accepted by Swiss voters! This is a very bad signal towards foreigners living in Switzerland. Any foreigner even simply suspected for abuse of social welfare could be automatically expelled and his work permit withdrawn!!!

    This vote shows that foreigners are not welcome any more in Switzerland, they are continuously targeted by ugly campaigns especially from parties like SVP/UDC. The worst of all is that people vote for these ugly xenophobic and racist initiatives...

    On my side I am happier than ever to leave... This vote comforts me more in my decision and make me more disappointed of the country's regressing politics!!!

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Roger B

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  שווייץ פורום 

    Look, before this spins out of control, let's return to a lighter, less aggressive tone. Sorry for telling you about pissing off. That wasn't ok for a civilized discussion, I admit.

    And sorry for defending my country, but it's the place I happen to be born, raised and be proud of. If you read my long replies (as mentioned somewhere before they get long, because in my opinion, complex issues sometimes require long answers - and if anything, Switzerland might be small but it sure is not a simple place to understand and I happen to spend a lot of time thinking, reading and discussing about a lot of topics that are raised here), I'm not appologetic for the facts you state. Yes, there is racism, yes there is this coolness and yes we do have many different problems in many different places. The sole thing I want is a somewhat more realistic depiction of how things are, be more down to earth when criticising and don't be carried away by anger. What I especially don't like is if I am automatically equaled with some red-meat, block-headed right-winger (which you basically do when saying "the Swiss are" or by extension of that "they" ) - Switzerland is more than just the SVP/UDC.

    The point I want to carry across here too, is that if you look close enough, there is always something bugging you in a country, from Australia to Zambia. As with people, no country is perfect and has its follies, tragedies & challenges, something you could see from Abdullah (who by the way rather is Jordanian than Turkish judged by the flag) and his critique of the US.

    Furthermore, as this topic naturally attracts those who have made negative experience more than those having experienced the opposite, I try to put a counter to all the criticism and post the view from an interested Swiss.

    And by the way, no, I'm neither working for the government, nor am I paid by any other institution to defend Switzerland. I do this because I think this forum is a window to the world, it's important, it's because I think the right-wing tendencies, milk, chocolate and Swiss bank accounts (mostly with a negative connotation) are the only things you can hear about Switzerland in the news these days and therefore doesn't entirely reflect the truth in all its grayscales. And finally it's because I'm worried, deeply worried about where we're headed.

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Abdullah JALLAD

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  שווייץ פורום 

    Dear Jim,
    Thank you so much for accepting my opinion about the US....that was really nice from you and please could you give some of examples of how Tukish people treated in Switzerland?

  • פורסם על ידי  ב-  שווייץ פורום 

    Dear Jim,

    Thanks for your post, I can feel that you had a hard time living in Switzerland there is no doubt about it... As far as I am concerned, I also didn't get used to the life here even after 18 years! I have a few good friends here and some of them are Swiss... Generally speaking I find that being a foreigner you have to continuously show and prove to local people that you are and integrated person in order to be accepted, this is of course valid for locals who are willing to accept you! But what makes it different form other countries, it's the hidden racism. I was surprised by some people, whom I initially thought to be cheerful and friendly, turned out to be racist and xenophobic! I lived in other countries before and I didn't feel such hypocritical attitude!!!

    One other aspect that I dislike here is that you don't feel totally free as the people are not that tolerant especially to noise (I mean reasonable noise)! I experienced and heard about many cases of complaints from the neighbourhood about noise... If you use your mobile phone in the bus you may get some stares form some passengers or a "pffffffff" although you try to speak with a low voice. I used to live near a park with a playground for children, I was chocked the day I came to know that a group of people were signing a petition to remove the playground as it generated a lot of noise, fortunately their request was swiped away!!! Once an "anonymous neighbour" stuck a peace of paper on my letterbox complaining about the noise of my door's lock. that person claimed that when I locked the door I waked up the whole building! I wrote on the same peace of paper that the person who complained anonymously is a coward, I added that it was not fair for other neighbours as everyone became suspect in my eyes! The peace of paper disappeared very quickly and I never had any further complaints!!! When I was fireman volunteer, it rarely happened that I took a quick shower quite late after a intervention, at that time there was no shower in the fire-station! What happened? the neighbours upstairs complained... The worst was when we (firemen) were scolded very rudely by a house owner as we were cutting (by using a chain saw) some thick branches fallen on the road after a severe wind storm, it was around 3:30 am and we have been working since 6 pm non stop under heavy rain, thunder and wind!!!

    I have many other examples and it will be very long to state them all, yet I dislike to live being constantly afraid of disturbing others! That's the feeling I have and that many people do have when they live in Switzerland. You really feel being controlled all the time, and you have to bare in mind that there is always somebody watching you behind the curtains...

    Anyway I am leaving very soon...

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Jim Jackson

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  שווייץ פורום 

    Dear Abdullah,
    That is fine by me, you can say what you think about the US and I will not disagree with you at all. I am not going to ply "roger B" here and start writing long emails on how the US is great. i have to admit there is racism, no safety in many places...etc. However since this forum is about Switzerland I have to remind you my dear Abdullah to talk to your Turkish patriots living in Switzerland about the discrimination they live there. I think you are missing something for sure. Turkish people are also treated like S****T in Switzerland and I have seen it myself.

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Jim Jackson

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  שווייץ פורום 

    Roger, you have pissed me off long time ago unfortunately since you defend Switzerland no matter what... you ignore facts and you start writing anything to make people believe that your country is great. You blame all racism on democracy.
    I certainly believe that you are paid to do this job, defend Switzerland. Sorry if this pissed you off !!
    You have to start being realistic if I am to listen to you.

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Abdullah JALLAD

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  שווייץ פורום 

    Dear Jim,
    Could you please stop talking about swiss people??....just look at the country where u live or where u are from in my opinion the behaviour of US people is the worst in the whole world.....they are more racists than the swiss alot of places in USA you could not go alone to have a walk because of the gangs and the criminals...... in Switzerland it is100% safe you can go where ever you want without feeling afraid....if the Swiss people really hate foreigners as u have just said at least they dont heart you they just walk and they never say someting to you...but in F***in US you find alot of people could kill you because of your ethic or because ur color.....just let the US go and solve thier financial crisis problem as it became one of the third world countries
    please before talking about Switzerland just look at the hell where are you from....

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Roger B

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  שווייץ פורום 

    Hi Canuck,

    There's quite a good brochure (84 pages) by the federal government explaining the basic workings of the swiss system at federal level at least. It will give you an overview over our institutions and our political landscape.

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Roger B

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  שווייץ פורום 

    Look, slowely you start pissing me off. There's one way of applying critique in a constructive way, but what you do here is nothing but plain ol'hate speech. In fact, your statement is about as correct as when I would portray Switzerland as a happy place where there are no problems at all. Your statements are so vitriolic, I can't help but think that you must be living in a very simple place.

    Apprently you must have slept through the world cup entirely or must have lived in an extremly dull neighbourhood, because wherever I went, there was party and sure no one took issue with it. If you don't believe me, then turn to the media reports. But it's dead certain your characterisation is wrong.

    And speaking of our prisons, well as an American I would probably not go round judging others' systems in terms of over- or underrepresentation of minorities and the reasons why that is.

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Jim Jackson

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  שווייץ פורום 

    Dear Saleh,
    The swiss love arab money,but not their faith. The swiss hide behind "peace and love" and they make people beleive it somehow, until you visit their country.
    Again, do not feel bad ... They hate all foreigners, just look at what all other pople are writing in this forum and you will understand they hate everybody. I felt miserable when I was there and I am glad I left. All the best to you Saleh.

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