How to Reshape Your Career with Social Media in 2017?


How to Reshape Your Career with Social Media in 2017?

14, Second Floor, Local Shopping Complex Pushpa Bhavan, Delhi, 110062 Map


I believe content is king but only when it comes from the heart, everything else is noise. In today’s competitive world, originality is credibility. The internet and the social media platforms turned our planet into a global village but reaching the desired audience and striking the right chord is always a challenge.

It’s the magic of the content that you put forward in the various social media platforms that brings you closer to your target.

Keep your content crisp and quirky for Twitter, for LinkedIn be as professional as you can be, on Facebook you do have the leverage to be yourself and experiment with content.


Learn a lot more about content marketing for Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and a lot more in my next free webinar on 22nd February.

On Wednesday February 22, 2017 at 8:30 pm (ends 9:30 pm)

Category: Classes / Courses - Academic / Learning


Free: INR 0

Venue: How to Reshape Your Career with Social Media in 2017?, 14, Second Floor, Local Shopping Complex Pushpa Bhavan, Delhi, 110062



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