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Need help for recommending places to visit in Seoul

Poslano u Južna Koreja forum

Hi..First of all let me Introduce myself. I am Priska, a master candidate of Inha University, Incheon. I am currently doing research about trip crowdsourcing and planning especially for Seoul City. The idea is, people who would like to travel to Seoul can request for places recommendation and ask people to recommend places to them based on the category the requester specified. I got the data of places in Seoul through TourAPI3.0 provided by Korean Tourism Organization. After the recommendation, system will generate the trip itinerary automatically.

I am now collecting the recommendation data from people that's why I would like to ask for the help from people who live in Korea and are familiar with Seoul city to recommend places to visit for some requesters from outside of Korea.

If you are interested in helping please kindly copy the link and paste it on your browser

and click on the title, you will be redirected to a recommendation form.

You need to log in using Facebook but don't worry this is solely for research purpose, your information from Facebook will not be disclosed and misused.I am looking forward to your help.

Thank you


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