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I gained Hope after street life but to others it seems am loosing it for the reason that i do not have enough funds to continue helping all people that i care for!

With no water, shelter, food and medicine i was helped by a lady whom we used to stay with on the street and people used to think that she was a mad person due to the situation we lived in.
One day she advised me not to die on the street yet she knew that there are some caring homes for the children like me, she everyday kept on shouting to the people walking on the street that " my son needs help who so ever can take him to any caring home is welcomed"

It was a surprise day, when a man came with a document asking her that "is this kid yours?" "yes" she replied and yet i was not her son. i escaped street life when i was still young and taken to a Home called Lugazi Community Caring Home, life wasn't easy after growing i left the home and i realized that i had to go for an adult education because in the home i was not taken to school. In the process i went back to see the lady who helped me unfortunately i found that she had died! and from then i developed a heart of helping out the needy children in poor communities and street kids through BE MY FRIEND program, And for the Kids born and leave with HIV AIDS through AIDS Club project that is what i called LOVE TO LOVE for that visit and see the-testimonies and video clips .

At the moment the expenses are increasing everyday, according to my income. i can not handle it all, at least i need some supporters, ideas, volunteers to this organization in order not to loose my dream hope of giving back to the needy.
Reach me at [...] / [...] [...]. Any help or advise is highly welcomed.

Daniel Ssemuli
