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timeline for fiancee visa?

Hozzászólva Belgium fórum

hi. we have our documents submitted for fiance visa in Belgium embassy in Manila first week of oct. and interviewed again first week of dec. we're wondering what is the average processing time for this visa type..we are hoping to get married before our marriage declaration expires feb 10..does anyone here wants to share their experiences re fiance visa? thanks and happy new year!

  • Menj Mariita Ecuatoriana profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Belgium fórum 

    Hi Kat!

    I would recommend to organize everything in chronological order. Also write a presentation letter to the Ambassador explaining a bit about how you guys met and everything else you are presenting as a proof.
    Good Luck!!!

  • Lambert Flores

    hozzászóló:  itt Belgium fórum 

    I think your proofs of relationship i sufficient enough as long as you can prove the credibility of it. But what I did in the photos was i wrote all the details of the place like city or country, date and even the time and who are in the photos. I submited like thousands of pages of our facebook chat history since April 2011, skype, viber, email, etc. I've been here in Antwerp Belgium since January 2014. I lodged my visa application August and got it November 2013. Just do what you know is good and what is needed to prove to the embassy your relationship.

  • Kat Sevilla

    hozzászóló:  itt Belgium fórum 

    Hi everyone! I'm so glad to have found this helpful site. Does anyone have any idea on what best way to prepare the History of Relationship which is part of the requirement for filing fiance visa? I already have prepared most of the proofs required like screenshots of our emails, chats, phone calls/video calls on skype, our photos together w/ my fam and friends, his plane ticket and rental booking. Still, not confident that it's enough. By the way, we only know each other for a year now and he's been in the Philippines only once. Any suggestions please?? Thanks much in advance! Godbless All!

  • Nutty Fab

    hozzászóló:  itt Belgium fórum 

    Hi Cristian, I filled Schengen Visa application form at application center, it is for short stay (90 days). Yours should be the same one I guess. By the way, our lawyer passed the documents to Aliens Office and they informed that the decision cannot be changed and I have to go for a new visa if I want... For sure the house is enough, it is confirmed by lawyer and municipality. But Alena Office is insisting on new application; they dont seem willing to change it. Moreoever; lawyer has stated that the best option is to change house contract like Aliens Office want and go for a new visa. I dont know what to do at the moment.

  • Menj Cristian Soriano profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Belgium fórum 

    Hi Nutty,

    Well, crossed fingers that everything will positive after the submission of the papers to prove that the house is big enough for you two. Well me, still waiting for my birth certificate and sigleness certificate, I will need to authenticate it and then finally I could submit my application... Just a question, what kind of application did you fill in? is it the schengen one or the one with the belgian flag for a long stay visa?

    Good luck to both of us :)

  • hozzászóló:  itt Belgium fórum 

    any problems with documents or visa application? don't know what and how to do? you can just leave a message and we will answer back. greetings.

  • hozzászóló:  itt Belgium fórum 

    any problems with documents or visa application? don't know what and how to do? you can just leave a message and we will answer back. greetings.

  • Nutty Fab

    hozzászóló:  itt Belgium fórum 

    Hi Cristian, thanks for your wishes. Last Thursday we submitted the documents to prove that house is big enough for two persons. We hope to hear something next week Friday. Just hoping that it works. I wish you best luck for your application and patience while collecting papers.

  • Menj Cristian Soriano profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Belgium fórum 

    Hi Nutty,

    I'm so sorry to hear that bad news :-( ... I hope everything will be fixed soon with the documents from the lawyer that you're submitting to the Foreign Affairs... Keep me posted... Wishing you best of luck.... Don't worry so much I'm sure everything will fall good just have faith...

    On my part, I'm still waiting for other docs that my partner is sending me... And also waiting for a response from the foreign affairs if translations are needed eventhough the documents are all in English...

    All the best,

  • Nutty Fab

    hozzászóló:  itt Belgium fórum 

    Unfortunately my visa was denied two weeks ago. And the reason they give: The house is not big enough. But the house is 2+1 and my fiance is living alone. My fiance talked with municipality and a lawyer: They find the reason shocking as the house is enough for two persons. And today the lawyer arranged some official documents to make clear that the house is enough for us. This is the only reason for refusal. We hope we can fix it, cause it is really dissapponting. We will pass the documents to Strangers Office this week and we hope to get good news :(
