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Sincere Opinion on Poverty

Hozzászólva Bosznia és Hercegovina fórum


My name is Geraldine and I’m new in the forum. I’m a student in anthropology.

I’m very interesting in cultural diversity as well as spirituality. I would like to know if we could interact around the question of poverty. What do think about this serious problem? How do you define it? When you hear the word “Poverty” what comes up to your head?

The reason why I ask you this question is because I’m very touch by this topic and I would like to understand it better through your own vision. I truly think that each of us has a part of the whole truth. So that is the reason why your answer is very important for me. Also, I’m working in a humanitarian association as a volunteer member; therefore, my interest for understanding the problem is quiet crucial for me.

Thank you very much for your attention, and take care.


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  • hozzászóló:  itt Bosznia és Hercegovina fórum 

    Modernism seems to privilege only wealthy people. The poor people remain poor if not poorer. I think that a conscious modernism can make the difference and really help deprived people. Since, the current type of modernism highly benefits wealthy people (what I think is a lack awareness).

  • hozzászóló:  itt Bosznia és Hercegovina fórum 

    Hi Alp B,

    I think that you're right. Without rich people there is no poverty (to be rich they actually need poor people working for them), and, therefore, without poverty there is no exploitation (exploitation is the central origin of people's monetary richness... exploitation feeds poverty)

    And that's one reason why I think this world is such a disgusting one!
