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I'm actually thinking of buying a house in the US after the property market went down. The big questions is whether prices will fall even further or not. Anybody can give me advice on this?
Letter of recommendation service
hozzászóló: Julia Jacson itt Egyesült Államok fórum
Graduate school applications are tough, and the letter of recommendation service provider can make or break it. helped me create a letter that truly represents who I am as a candidate. I’m feeling much more confident about my chances now, thanks to their help!
Florida is always a hot market for real estate!
hozzászóló: Ben Torres itt Egyesült Államok fórum
I am a real estate investor and you can't go wrong investing in Florida. I recommend that you consider buying now while its still a buyers market. Prices will start to increase again as the economy starts to rebound so I would not wait too long!
Good luck,
hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Egyesült Államok fórum
its a fact that real estate will make wealth!
Re : Property
hozzászóló: Fredric Smith itt Egyesült Államok fórum
Hey, Really if this time rates are going to down one can invest its money in property. Because property investment is the best investment for future profits.
hozzászóló: Tina Di Rienzo itt Egyesült Államok fórum
Hi,I live in Washington state and it is a buyers market right now. The interest rates are going down. If you have money it's a good time to buy. The banks here are not giving much out.
TinaProperty prices in the US
hozzászóló: Manuela da Silva itt Egyesült Államok fórum
Looking at the current bank desasters, I'd probably wait for a while ;o)