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Newton International and British Schools

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Can anybody please shed some light on the current situation of these schools??

Menj Törölt felhasználó profiljához

  • hozzászóló:  itt Katar fórum 

    I know who they are and you would be astonished how I know. They are different people. A person at your level should execise justice.

    The Seeker

  • hozzászóló:  itt Katar fórum 

    Is this your real name or what you have chosen to be known as?

    The Seeker

  • Justice

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Katar fórum 

    Deleted user,

    Open up to the universe. Find its beauty in an infant's smile bearing in mind the irony of its cry a moment later. Fill your cup with the elixire of life. Centuries passed us in a flash and we shall surely turn to dust. Be Just.

    The Seeker

  • hozzászóló:  itt Katar fórum 

    Enigma Alpha,

    Seek Omega with an open mind. Let it flow naturally or you shall block the passage of wisdom.

    Blazing light, gaze to the open skies, ignore the passing shooting stars, dissolve in the SOURCE of your light and begin your solar journey.

    The Seeker

  • hozzászóló:  itt Katar fórum 


    I shall continue to seek for I was born of this character. You and Blazing Light should ease up. The dialouges amongst some have become unacceptable. The others' splitted personalities must unify, become one and grow in maturity.

    The "multi-deletd user" has shamed itself and ought to fully delete itself or change name to "depleted one". Take heed Deleted User, this opportune moment will pass.

    The irony of it all is, many have exposed that NIS children's character has rubbed off to some of the NIS mangement and staff.

    Thus, Children - contemplate, seek correctness, mend your ways and fulfill your destinies. Be sound in character and do not waver under your mortal desire of self-worship. Stop and think for a breath "WHO AM I" and you will find guidance.

    I am now to rifle to other forums to seek and advocate THE TRUTH.

    The Seeker

  • hozzászóló:  itt Katar fórum 

    For those who seek a good education for their children in Qatar, choices are limited. The older international schools tend to be usually full or pre-booked, and although they claim to be the best, it is a mere first-in advantage and having been through the teething problems is what they benefit from.

    Unfortunately Qatar's sponsorship laws inhibit some of the progress and individual capabilities which may blossom, given alternative choices for employment or individuals rights to decide. Do not be frightened of this for it is a plan to pretect the country, its businesses and the public.
    You will find solace living in Qatar after the settling down period provided that you do not lose track of your expenditure and luxuries of life.

    NIS's biggest suffering is contributed by the ownership who do not wish to let go of their unusual tight control despite lack of experience in running an international school. The problem naturally extends itself to staffing. For example some of the principals did not posses adequate exposure and experience for their current jobs. They are tendering their services while learning! I wish them luck at their own expense and find this formula most strange. Fingers again can point to the owners. The same design spreads itself amongst the teachers with mixes of under-qualified, just right and over-qualified staff. This will work itself out but at what cost?

    Although it is natural for us to rifle through planes of critisim, some justly qualified for the sake of our yougsters' needs, the problems wil dicipate with passage of time.

    To progress, NIS must delegate more responsibility to its management. They also need to halt their unreasonable support for some of their senior staff which is based on personal relationships. Unconditional ponsporship release contracts will be one most notable move that will force them to behave, strive to truely excel and become internationally recognised.

    As for children, it is comforting to see that there are some very good teachers around. However it is the inexperienced and politically-aligned groups that tend to concern me. Once again, management reforms and changes in modus operandi should build a better platform to address this issue and many more.

    There is no destination sounder than THE TRUTH

  • hozzászóló:  itt Katar fórum 

    Don't shift the focus yet again. Now its Just Landed who is to blame.Boo Hoo! Why would you care what Just Landed encourages? You are anonymous after all. You started it by maliciously stating that Blazing Light and Enigma are the same person. And if you and Depleted User are not the same, pose your question there. Any intelligent person would have picked up that depleted user and whatsup withthat is the same user. The moron got her profiles mixed up. Once again and for the last time,the issue here is not who is who? So what if the same person writes under numerous names? We not here to discuss anybody's identity and or split personalities. Until such time that the forum reverts back to the pertinent issue namely Newton, I will not be entertaining this sideshow any longer. Blazing Light has refused to be roped into this charade, oh!yes, I forgot, I am talking to myself. Isn't life grand that you can actually talk to yourself on a forum. Down Light, down. Enigma is writing first. Goodbye. Goodbye,Goodbye!

  • hozzászóló:  itt Katar fórum 

    I just love your name Penname Rowbottom. It rhymes with Neville Longbottom.

  • hozzászóló:  itt Katar fórum 

    Thank you for your kind invitation although it must be said that only a member of Senior Management can extend such an invitation. I have never ever pretended to be a current member of your staff. So, if there was but the sheerest chance that I would get a fair shake at that meeting, I would be there in a flash. We both know that Draconian Law applies there and I like many others will shroud ourselves in a cloak of anonymity. I have been there, done that and what did I get for DARING to speak out? My salary was not paid plus loads of extra money that was due to me.
    Let me very clear about this. Newton International School has excellent teachers and a great demographic but honestly, some of the Senior Management Team and their tactics, leaves alot to be desired. From an educational point of view of course.
    To Trudie Masterson, please except my apologies for blaming you for things that was not your doing. I was way out of line and even further off base.
    I know realise that there are more sinister forces afoot.

  • hozzászóló:  itt Katar fórum 

    Officially, I would like to apologise to Just Landed and the rest of the forum for the behaviour of our members recently. Don't be too hard on them, some were born delusional. However we would want all of you to show some respect to Jeff,Deleted User,Aussie babe, Whatsup withthat you know them. We just loving call her Fantasy Fran. Although I must point out that despite her rants,she is a education heavy weight. She had no less than 50 schools under her at her last position. No! stop that laughing its counterproductive to our treatment here. Guys so sorry that your anatomy was described as "dangly bits". Members please check in at head office A.S.A.P
