Hozzászólva Wiesbaden fórum
Hi everybody! I think this community will be great once there are more people. I would like to know whether there are any other Americans from Wiesbaden, if so it would be great if you could introduce yourself in this thread.
Hello Everyone
hozzászóló: Steve May Jr. itt Wiesbaden fórum
I am an American near Wiesbaden. Always looking to travel and have a great time. I own a Travel agency so let me know if I can help. www.mayfamilytravel.com
I'm in Wiesbaden too...
hozzászóló: Sean _ itt Wiesbaden fórum
Hi, I'm in Wiesbaden too. Moved here from Seattle 1 1/2 years ago. I'm always up for coffee or a beer.
Hiya from Wiesbaden
hozzászóló: Johnny Sarabia itt Wiesbaden fórum
Hi there. I am also in Wiesbaden. Got here in late August. I don't mind meeting up with other fellow Americans.
hozzászóló: Scott [Last Name Withheld] itt Wiesbaden fórum
Yes, I'm in Wiesbaden. My family and I just arrived recently.
Americans in Wiesbaden
hozzászóló: Qentin Briggs itt Wiesbaden fórum
Great! Maybe we can meet up some day? Any others out there?
Americans in Wiesbaden
hozzászóló: a. Smith itt Wiesbaden fórum
Hi, Qentin.
American in Wiesbaden.
A. Smith