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Need advice on moving

Hozzászólva Azori-szigetek fórum

I’m new to this community and would live resources, websites, etc that would help with a move to Sao Miguel. I’m coming back out in July but in the meantime, what can I be doing, etc. also looking for a small home if you know any pocket listings!

  • Robert Hahn

    hozzászóló:  itt Azori-szigetek fórum 

    Thanks for the correction Kevin, are these bank sales available on other islands?

  • Kevin Barry

    hozzászóló:  itt Azori-szigetek fórum 

    No actually I have a guy who works only with bank sales..??? You can have a list of forclorses than you can buy for the amount the bank is owed..example my friends from Ireland are buying a building worth 560.000€ and are paying 138.000 . But if you don't have a specific area..?? You can get Good deals..NOT A SHORT SALE..

  • Robert Hahn

    hozzászóló:  itt Azori-szigetek fórum 

    I think what Kevin is referring to is what we call in the US a "short sale" where the owner sells a home for less than what they owe. While the property is still owned by the lender the bank has agreed to accept offers for what is owed. While a foreclosure normally is a property that is taking over by the bank normally because of default payments; it may or may not be "short". My advise to anyone coming to the Azores or mainland Portugal is to have enough in savings to secure your dream home. Relying on the banks here in Portugal for financing can take a long time and then you are not guaranteed to be approved for a loan. I would also suggest renting a place first to discover what the areas around your dream location have to offer.

  • Kevin Barry

    hozzászóló:  itt Azori-szigetek fórum 

    i have a good guy who deals with bank sale can get great only pay what bank is owed
