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Attestation at MOFA / Saudi Embassy

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Dear all,
I need advise on what to do in this confusing rules,regulations & law.
Got MOFA attested on my job contract letter where I am already working.My Iqama profession & my job contract match (Electrician Technician). Scanned & mailed it to an agent in Delhi to check if this works for my Diploma & marriage certificate attestation in Saudi Embassy.The reply surprised me, the agent says that the Saudi Embassy will reject to attest because my education certificate holds Diploma in Mechanical Engineering & I am working as Electrician Technician.
He says my education & profession does not match & that is the main reason for not being able to get attestation.
Your replies & views will help me a lot to come to some conclusion

  • Altaf Husein

    hozzászóló:  itt Szaúd-Arábia fórum 

    Dear Farzan,,
    My Co, has already applied for my change of profession & I have the letter for that too but the officer in MOFA
    says to wait till I get the profession changed & then come later & get the MOFA attestation.

  • Menj Faraz Hussain profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Szaúd-Arábia fórum 

    there is a request letter from your sponsor stating the details for the change of profession in the name of Saudi Cultural office. this letter is attested by COC and MOFA KSA. Check with the agent in you home country for details.
