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Just Landed - Feedback, Suggestions and Bugs

Hozzászólva Világ fórum

Help us improve the Just Landed Community! We're looking for feedback, critizism or suggestions for future enhancements.

If you find any bugs or things that seem to wrong, please post them in this discussion as well. When posting a bug (problem), please tell us which browser you're using.

Please post your feedback in English so other community members can understand it as well. Thanks!

Menj Törölt felhasználó profiljához



    hozzászóló:  NAKIWALA ANGELLA itt Világ fórum 

    Thanks be to "JUST LANDED", it really did a great job,u know on this world u can't be independent atleast u need some support from someone,atleast a friend who can be there for u some times. I love u guys though i haven't yet contacted anyone but i really need a lot of friends. THANKS JUST LANDED.
    Greets to u all

  • opps

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Világ fórum 

    sorry ,the one place i never thought to look

  • Reporting abuse

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Világ fórum 

    Hi Frank, you can post this directly in the respective forum. In addition, we have a "Report abuse" link on each forum post which you can use to notify our moderators about unacceptable posts.



  • reporting abuse

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Világ fórum 

    I am looking for somewhere where I can post what I feel is abuse of the forum?
    Am I in the right place? can someone point me in the right direction?

  • Online status

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Világ fórum 

    The online status is something we have in our development track.

    As for phone numbers, you can only see them if people set their privacy setting to allow you to do so. Emails are never displayed to stop spam (you can use the messaging function instead).

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Fotos only might be added later, but we had a couple of instances of guys using the site for dating (which it is not primarily for) and annoying female members by sending out mass mails. Until we have completed our mechanisms to automatically stop this behaviour we will not implement a photo search.



  • Abdullah Abdullah

    On Line

    hozzászóló:  Abdullah Abdullah itt Világ fórum 

    Hello.First , i say thanks to you for this wonderful web site . Then , i have some question please: Isn't it possible to see people if they are on line or not? Isn't possible to see people who have photos only? Or can we see people who have phone numbers or have E-mails shown by their request?
    Thanks ,

  • Abdullah Abdullah

    On Line

    hozzászóló:  Abdullah Abdullah itt Világ fórum 

    First of all Hi and thanks for the wonderful web site. Just i have one question for the moment being : Isn't it possible that we can see if other people are on line or not ?

  • Job search

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Világ fórum 

    Hi Flora, we don't work as an intermediary for finding jobs. However, you can use our job portal at the top of the page to look for international jobs.

  • Help

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Világ fórum 

    Hi Henriette, what exactly do you need help for?

  • hallo

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Világ fórum 

    ich komm hier nicht weiter helft mir mal bin doch neu hier
