2024 8th International Conference on Linguistics and Literature (icll 2024)
★Call for Paper★
Literature and Film
Language and Power
Language and Gender
Language and the New Media
Language, Culture and Translation
New Writings in English
Women's Writings
Teaching of Language and Literature
Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign/ Second Language
Effective Teaching Methodologies in Language and Literature Classrooms
Interdisciplinarity in Language Teaching and Learning
Assessment Practices to Language and Literature Teaching
Teaching Translation
Language and ICT
Theoretical research on forensic linguistics
Legal discourse analysis
Legal translation and courtroom interpreting
The application of forensic linguistics
Research on legal language teaching
For more details, please visit at http://www.icll.org/topics.html
All accepted and presented papers after proper registration and presentation, will be published in International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics after registration and presentation , which will be indexed by Google Scholar, Crossref, Proquest, etc.
★Submission Guideline★
1.Abstract/ Presentation: Abstract submission required; oral presentation only; will not be published.
2.Full Paper/Publication: Full paper submission required; presentation required; will be published.
Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references. Full text papers (.pdf, .doc) will be accepted via Microsoft submission system: https://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icll2024 or email icll@iacsitp.com directly.
Conference Secretary: Jennifer Zeng
Telephone: +86-28-86256789; +86-18081079313
(GMT+8: 9:30 am-5:30 pm)
E-mail: icll@iacsitp.com
Dunn Carl