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What is Oman like for a woman?

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I am thinking of teaching English abroad in Oman, but I want to know a little bit more about the country first. What is it like for a woman, especially a single Korean-American? I've heard that some Omani banks won't let me take out a loan without a male relative being there - is this true?

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  • wax man

    diposting oleh  di forum Oman 

    about the people who work in oman b4 as a housemaid but they not finish a 2yyrs contract then run away..
    ( they are many reasons of this case:

    1-housemaid when they come here tehy feel that will find easy jobs as housemaid but its not because most of families here are big families . so most of housemaid runs a way when they see this kind of cases.
    2- most of houses in oman are large , then its mean , alot of clean , wash ,and so on. so its become hard to them to wotk. in same time some they may go to some Villages. and Villages mean no relax ...

    for more info: if she run a way, its creat a big problems for her self , sponsor and the work agency. because the sponsor pay alot to work agency that cost (800-900) OMR.

    the 2 years contracet.. its in oman law that the housemaid have to work under here sponsor for 2 years . if she like the work, then she renew the comtracet. if she would like to go back , then the sponsor send her back. in same time she can go back oman by the same work agency or change sponsor inside oman , that after you Completion her 2 years contract.

    for any more info.. please send to me.

  • diposting oleh  di forum Oman 

    Thank you both for your information, and taking the time to answer my questions! It's difficult because a lot of the banking websites don't have a whole lot of information, except for banks like HSBC. I'll probably end up going to that bank because they're probably used to dealing with foreigners, being an international bank and all.

    Thanks again!

  • wax man

    diposting oleh  di forum Oman 

    maybe your right about ( is it hard to take out a personal loan, especially as a foreigner?) and maybe i am not to much clear about this kind of case because i am not to much dealing with banks here in oman. but if you want more info you can go to any one of this banks and ask.......

    And about (I'll need some extra cash on hand if I do indeed do to Oman) i thinks some of banks are offering 600 OMR that equal to maybe 1553 USD Through ATM machine. if you want more you have to collect it from inside of the bank,,, maybe i am wrong in this point....because as i told you i dont deal to much in bank roles and regulations. each bank here have its won way of business.

    best regards

  • diposting oleh  di forum Oman 

    Hi wax, thanks for your input. I was reading an article about banking in the Gulf States, and it said that some women had trouble getting a loan by themselves. It did not clearly state that Saudi Arabia was the country this happened in, not Oman.

    For banking in general - is it hard to take out a personal loan, especially as a foreigner? The bank websites I've been looking at haven't been very informative. I'll need some extra cash on hand if I do indeed do to Oman.

  • wax man

    diposting oleh  di forum Oman 

    i dont know where you got the idea with (I've heard that some Omani banks won't let me take out a loan without a male relative being there ) ).... if you want a lond , so why you bring a male with you... !!!!!!!

    you need a bank loan you have to go and deal with the bank , and we are here have female and male work together in bank and you will deal with a person who will be in charge..... that all.

    for info:(I've heard that some Omani banks won't let me take out a loan without a male relative being there) that only happen in saudi arabia,, because they follow the islamic role that not accept a strange women deal with strange guy. that all...

    i welcome for any more questions about oman.

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