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Looking for apartment in Stockholm

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I will be moving to Stockholm the 1th of July and I am seeking for an apartment in Stockholm, Sweden.
Where should I been looking?
I have tried, but my feelings is that I never get any answeres.

I will work here in Sweden, so I am searching for a long stay, 1-2 years.
And what I have understod from other sites, that a leaseholding is not a choice when you have to queue 5-6years?

Pergi ke profil Pengguna yang sudah dihapus

  • Pergi ke profil Sophie Dallas

    diposting oleh  di forum Swedia 


    I went to, they are renting out apartments in Stockholm.
    I can link you diractly: .

    They speak english and have a english version website, which is very good.
    The service was great too!

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