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Immigration ban

Diposting di forum Dubai

Hi guys can anyone help me how to know if i have immigration ban? i have been in Dubai 2 years ago and i left my company for an emergency leave and i havent returned for alot of reasons..i left my two credit card debts and didnt able to settle them or closed i have a new job offer in Dubai im worried i might have immigration ban or will have trouble with my entry in dubai..can anyone know what i should do? thanks..

  • Pergi ke profil Marry Love

    diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 

    Dear All,
    It was interesting in reading experiences.
    Xris De Leon, have you solved your problem out? Could you tell me what is the result?

    For all, I have a case which is similar.
    I am still in the UAE, my passport is with me.
    I got termination and I have requested employer to cancel visa many times via phone, email and courier service but employer ignored.
    Just found that employer filed false absconding which is not true.
    According to Ministry of Labor, I have to contact to employer first to removed false absconding. Then I can only go to Ministry of Labor to a complaint if employer ignores or/and refuses to remove false absconding.

    It's time to go to MoL to complain since employer continually ignored all access via phone, email and courier service. I have all evidence.

    Is there anyone that know/ have had experience about this matter?
    I am very grateful for your advise.

    Thank you.

  • Saffron Interactive

    diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 

    You can always call your bank..if your file case has moved over to the collections department they can have an agreement with you where you pay them what you can and they clear your total amount. Its easy..I knew some friends who cleared 120K with just 57K.

  • Saffron Interactive

    diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 

    If you have any kind of ban you can easily get back into dubai with an offshore visa :)...Labor bans are so easy to get around to...even the labor office people think labor bans are useless.

  • naturewalker SG

    diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 

    Agree with Steven. It doesn't matter if the expiration is on 2011 bec. if you did not return your employer will most likely report you as absconding. They have to do this otherwise they still have responsibility over you since you are under their sponsorship... makes sense? So the best way is to contact your old employer and request them to cancel your visa. Likewise, your new employer will not be able to process a new employment visa for you if your old visa sponsorship has not been cancelled. Regarding your credit cards, as how things stands here in Dubai now banks are harassing people for late payments regardless of the amount. If you have been away from Dubai for quite sometime, interest rates might have piled up already depending on how long you have been away from Dubai. IMHO, its better to contact your ex-employer and the banks... better safe than sorry.

  • Xris De Leon

    diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 

    my visa is still valid until it still under absconding? Is your office hadles also how to check if i have pending case in dubai..the debit i left is not too big and asi heared not all banks put cases and bans in immigration to entry duba..i just need to know if i have case against me just to know and besure i can enter dubai without any troubles..may i knowthe contact number and how much charge you give? thanks

  • naturewalker SG

    diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 

    If you did not cancel your visa from your previous employer then there is a big possibility that you have an outstanding absconding case which has a lifetime ban unless settled by your previous employer... WRT your debts better stay where you are because you will go straight to the jail from the airport.

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