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Diposting di forum Dubai

I seek a position in dubai as administrative secretary, accountant or business
I am willing to consider other proposals suceptibles interested
my english is intermediate but okay and I speak French very well.

English is not a concern for because I would be completely fluent in speaking every day, as many people

Pergi ke profil Pengguna yang sudah dihapus

  • Radeya Global

    diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 

    Apply to jobs through company websites and through classifieds ads in local newspapers.

    Having a professional resume and cover letter can help improve your chances of finding a job. Without a professional, well-written resume / cover letter, your job application most likely doesn't get looked at. This is because employers have only a few seconds to decide whether to give the applicant a chance. If your resume doesn't catch the employer's attention in a few seconds, then it's useless. Your cover letter is also important. If your cover letter is not well-written or is too generic, your resume will likely get deleted without being looked at.

    Therefore, it's extremely important to ensure that your resume and cover letter are well-written.

    We can help. Contact us to have your resume / cover letter rewritten professionally. Personalized service guaranteed. We can also distribute your resume on your behalf. For details, see

  • Pergi ke profil Tina Lee

    diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 

    Hi, you can walk in and drop your Resumes' to different companies. Before going for this you can search companies with addresses in Dubai where you should seek a luck.

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