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Job searching

Pubblicato in Rennes forum

I've been living in Rennes for a while now and have been looking for a job, without luck. I only have basic french and I need a job. If any of you have any information that could help me I'd be so greatful.

  • merry perso

    pubblicato da  in Rennes forum  


    i hope you find this message...
    cold you tell me please how do you say this in French ? Thanks !

  • Vai al profilo di Anchelie B

    pubblicato da  in Rennes forum  

    Any luck finding a job jet? I moved to Rennes in november 2012 with my boyfriend and it took me 3 months before finding anything.. I just started working in a bilingual daycare centre for kids where I almost only speak english. What kind of work are you looking for (if you are still looking..)?

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