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Ivf infertility surrogacy icsi iui - treatment center in india

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In an article in the journal Fertility and Sterility, scientists from the Stanford University School of Medicine studied the relationship between semen quality and overall health of men who were facing infertility problems.

The researchers analyzed medical data of 9,387 men, mostly between 30 and 50 years (mean age 38 years) who viewed Stanford Hospital between 1994 and 2011 to determine the cause of their infertility. Semen volume, concentration and motility were measured. The researchers then compared the health of those that showed defects in their semen analyzes and those who did not.

The researchers expected that 44% of men tested had an additional health problem. In particular, there was a link between poor sperm quality and circulatory diseases: hypertension, vascular and heart disease. Hypertensive subjects or suffering from other cardiovascular disease (peripheral arterial disease, cerebrovascular or cardiac non-ischemic) had a higher rate of abnormalities in their sperm. But other seemingly unrelated diseases were also observed: in short, men with endocrine diseases, circulatory, genitourinary and skin showed a significantly higher rate of sperm abnormalities.

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