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Humane solution to mice problem

Pubblicato in Amsterdam forum

Hi guys,

My name is Corina and I am currently a student living in the center of Amsterdam in a student house. I live with my boyfriend and we are experiencing some mice problems.

I wanted to ask you guys from some advice on what to do?

I do not want to use poison as I find it inhumane and I live in a place that doesn't allow house pets. My dutch friends recommended me to offer my cat sitting services for 1 week as they say is enough to drive the mice away. My family(in Romania) already owns both cats and dogs so I am used to caring for them but I do not know how to find a cat even and if its the best solution as I do not want to traumatize the cat (as she would live in a foreign environment for 1 week).

What do you think? Any advice would be welcomed..


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