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What do you wear in Syria?

Pubblicato in Siria forum

For a woman traveling in Syria, is there anything I should know about what to wear? For example, should I wear long pants and shirts that cover my shoulders, wrists,ankles, etc.? Are there any places where more conservative dress is appropriate (a religious site, for example).

Any information would be great, thanks!

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  • asem janadi

    pubblicato da  in Siria forum  

    i think you came in summer and im so late

  • pubblicato da  in Siria forum  

    Yes,its a very good idea if you are outside to wear more conservative clothes,to make people pay less attantion on you,and look like crazy,its always make me angry when I was living in the muslim countires.
    Of cource in the evening if you will want to visit night club you can wear what you want,no limits!

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