One Woman Inspiring Comedy Show

One Woman Inspiring Comedy Show



The Bug Theatre

3654 Navajo Street, Denver, Colorado 80211, United States Mappa

Book of Merit is not only the story of one woman's roller coaster ride through life, it's everyone's story. You'll laugh, and maybe cry a little (not really, but you might sniffle), as Merit share's all the juicy details of her life, through the lens of comedy… and we do mean juicy details... This show is for mature audiences. Merit won't even let her son watch the show until he's in his 30's... and maybe not even then.

Directed by Carole Montgomery, Creator/Producer of Showtime TV's Funny Women Of A Certain Age. (That's code for "this is a legit comedy show")

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Category: Arts | Performing Arts | Comedy

General Admission: USD 35.0

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