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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

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I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • Daniel Saldivar

    によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    Please, people... do not fight each other! Tell me please what country in this world is friendly with minorities, with immigrants, with people that looks different from themselves? The start is simply... we need to respect each others. Have fun people and enjoy your life where ever you are... I want to be in another country but no... I am here now... someone wants to swap places??? many I am sure! lol ;o)

  • Nana Naniのプロフィールに行く

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    my husband is german and we came to live here 1 1/2 yrs ago. In these 18 months, I've seen many germans being rude to the foreigners. E.g. Cashier who shout at a man from Poland. One shop assistant made my Lebonese friend cry, my son who was 9 yrs old being called names by kids that sound like Muslim's names ( and we're not Muslim). These kids were only btw 6-8 years of age. I can tell you there're a lot of hatred here, from the Germans to the foreigners, from the Christians to the Muslims.
    Thank God we haven't bought a house yet because we think this is not a good place to live, definately not for our children. It doesn't matter if there is Kindergeld, or good social security when living in a sorrounding that's full of hatred. Now we've stop our house hunting and start looking for options to return to Malaysia or
    to migrate to a friendlier country.

  • Stefan Dulisch

    によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    Germany is very cosmopolitan, people are open minded and welcome foreigners!
    ( With a few exceptions in eastern Germany!)

  • Ben benのプロフィールに行く

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    No need to say that again, racism is everywhere. Germany is not the worst case. This is just human nature, originated from our common ancestor... monkeys.

  • によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    Today I got this email from Canadian Non profit and I thought I should share with you as its about German helping immigrant youth:

    Hamburg Targets Global Talent

    In 2006, the City of Hamburg changed its recruitment strategy to increase diversity among staff and better represent the city’s changing demographics.

    Stefan Müller, Head of the City of Hamburg’s Centre for Education and Training, has the following advice for organizations looking to find more diverse candidates:

    Launch a public recruitment campaign targeting cultural communities across the city. This helps communicate the value of diversity to the entire population, including other employers.
    Emphasize cultural competencies by including intercultural knowledge as well as “culture-open” components in screening tests during the selection process.
    Target new networks such as immigrant and cultural organizations.

    To learn more about the City of Hamburg’s recruitment strategy, read this good idea at the Cities of Migration website.

  • によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    Even if you're Japanese still it does not make sense to hate some race only because you were not successful in that country. BTW only in Frankfurt more than 3000 Japanese live and I know Japanese community pretty well, none have any problem like you have. Actually they say Japanese should learn from Germans to treat foreigner with respect. About Canada I can give you the name of one very competent Japanese girl who was badly treated and due to discrimination she was kicked out of her job. I think Japanese in Germany get much better treatment than what Japanese are getting in Canada. And being Asian, can you deny young HK boys and girls who born in Canada are now leaving Canada...

    I pasted your posts/replies so what else is required, when you kept comparing between Canada and Germany and later preached me only stick to Germany. I also say the same for you that you're intelligent person so why crying on split milk and believing in stereotyping. There are racists everywhere, including Germany and Canada...why I say Canada has more racist people because it takes money from skilled worker immigrants or investor immigrants and never tell that they will have no or very less jobs opportunities in new homeland or their degrees are not recognized in Canada and they have to sit for license which will cost them at least 30,000 dollars and also more than 3-5 years. Opposite to that Germany never says come we need foreigners. People who come here are uneducated and asylum seekers. Ok lets talk about professional people in Germany, here one example is Koreans in Frankfurt who do not speak German as they work in Korean companies. I know some Korean and talk with them as their English is also not good, actually some cannot understand English either. Now tell me should I blame Germans or Koreans, if Koreans say that Germans are strange people...Same applies to Americans who live here for ages and also preach me that why to bother learning German as I can speak English.

    I'd both positive and negative experience in Germany and Canada but I've witnessed more unhappy immigrants in Canada than in Germany. You should volunteer yourself to YMCA or TDSB programs for immigrants and there you will meet many unhappy immigrants. They are mostly doctors, engineers, economists etc.

    At end I repeat again, stop yourself becoming too much negative and having so much hate for one nation at end it will not hurt any Germans but yourself. That was my sincere advise for you, I wish you happiness!

  • T Yのプロフィールに行く

    によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    After misreading so many of my posts, you came to the same conclusion again, that I somehow failed in Germany. Poor logic. From your writing, I can tell you are not an idiot, but if you are trying to argue with someone, at least you have to pay more attention what was said without twisting the words or misreading. Most people here know that I am NOT an Indian nor am I rich at all. And in some of my posts, I am practically defending the Germans. And if you don't read carefully and don't really understand what I said, then of course I must be lying! Anyways, I'm not going to bother correcting all your assumptions. just read more carefully and try to comprehend what was said to see the logic rather than getting too emotional.

    But I gathered you personally may have had a hard time in Canada. Sorry to hear that IF that is the case. And I'm going to repeat myself, but from what I see everyday personally, Immigrants are way way happier in Canada than in Germany. And it is different for everyone.

  • によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    Ron what about racism in India, when Biharis are not welcomed to Mumbai and there a slogan for them "Bihari=disease". But no Biharis are Indians too, so any other caste or Indian ethnic group has a right to discriminate them. Read that remarks from one of your person, "why do the biharis come to other states ..cant they do it in bihar only??? .. they spoil other places also with their worst culture". How would you feel if a white person is saying this to you in Europe or US? Think about it. South Asia, including India has big time racism problems and worst is that they are racist to each other. They are from same race and they call nigger to those who has dark complexion and fairy to those who have lighter complexion.

  • によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    After calling me person working in slums, now you call me judy judge and then you say I become personal. Well I already noticed and earlier also said that you twist your words pretty well. I lived in Germany for 6 years and now I'm again here and let me tell you I don't have white skin, having red hair and freckles does not mean that I'm white. I'm visible minority like you but I've been treated same in Canada and Germany, I mean both positive and negative. Opposite to you who in his first post claimed he is Indian, "I live in Canada and I am Indian" and later in other posts you claimed you are Japanese. In one post you claimed you came to Canada when you were 10 years old and in another you immigrated and worked for 10 years, and now I caught you and I bet you will come with some other lies and excuse lol. Its true lies have no feet that's why you can brag as much as you can but people at end can understand you well.

    You said, "And I know there are a large number of girls who are into Asian guys are in Germany! But in reality, i have yet to meet any one of them." but as you claimed you're Asian so again with lies you cannot win with that argument as in another post you also said, "and yes, my partner is a German...I am in an interracial relationship".

    And stop advising me that its German forum so we stick to Germans, if its the case then why you started comparing Canada vs Germany just in your 1 post on Jan 5. I joined the forum later in June/July and below are your posts. So look at yourself before telling me what to do. I rather be a judge judy than a person with double standards and biased like you.

    "...Everyone in Canada is treated with respect...", "the other day, in Canada BTW, when I took the street car late at night.... and back to the topic. this is where some Germans become very "unique". "even in Canada you are not treated like in America...", ". I went to a bar in Toronto", "I've never seen so many angry aggressive Turks in Germany though Turks I met in Canada, or Muslims for that matter, are nothing like them.", "we have Quebec separatists in Canada, but they never get enough support"...

    And list goes on about your comparison of Canada vs Germany and all you did before I joined this forum, so don't preach other what not to do, especially when you were doing the same for ages.

    In one reply to me you claimed that you earned millions and fed up of too much money and now you work as freelance as you have lots of money by working as immigrant in Canada so now you don't work at all but still you continuously get job offers and in your past reply to someone you said, "probably owning a car is cheaper in the US than in Canada. my preference for public transit is purely due to a financial reason. in fact, I ride a bike!" Seriously you have a problem man, you brag and lie too much. Now I see all your stories about German racism are made up and you were really one failure in Germany and because you are one unhappy soul and desperate to take revenge on Germans and I can see that you're fail to do so that's why you also lie here and there....

    And what a poor argument that you say Germans don't want Euro as they are against immigrants or racists. Its economical factor for which Germans are against Euro. I am also against Euro and giving money to Greece, I'm brown now call me racist too but I don't want my tax money will go to any other country. And like all Canadians in Canada I don't want to pay for for US (God forbids) if it will collapse tomorrow but here Canadians are not racists.

    Oh please stop your drama about visible minority, as I'm one of that I'm pretty happy in Germany as I was in Canada. And repeat racists are everywhere but it sad to see that you only pick on Germany and deny the racism in Canada, even though I showed you so many examples and gave you so many links but you keep saying that its Germans who are racists. You also said to me that "Maybe you are surrounded by immigrants who didn't make enough effort despite what they said", now what I say about you that you also did not make enough despite what you say about Germany...then you say its false argument. Give me a break and look at your own words.

    And you also admired yourself which was another brag, "I am the type of a person who can't stand inequality, whether it's racism, globalism, agism, etc., even if it doesn't affect me directly." Another lie, a person who cannot see the pain of many immigrants in Toronto, forget the whole Canada, how he is an angle hahaha.

    I say its time for you to get some life and be honest to people, its all because you failed in Germany and your hate for this country as you were failed had made you so revengeful that you don't know that how you can prove your point so you tell lies to prove your point and at end you don't know what you are talking about. Just an empathetic opinion, you are very negative person and full of hate for one race, I can only say at end it will nothing harm to anyone, it will only harming you. It has already started harming you, look how you lie and manipulate your own words. I am done with you as I cannot help you anymore. I repeat again, racists are everywhere and also in Canada and Germany.

  • Ron Saxenaのプロフィールに行く

    によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    In order to face racism i need to come from different race. Whereas u look very much caucasian...
