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British food is better than Polish food!

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I was speaking with my Polish friend the other day, and he insulted British cuisine by saying it was terrible and all mixed-together without regard for flavours.

What do the Poles have to offer that's better than what the British eat?


  • Bart Cyg

    によるポスト  に ポーランド フォーラム 

    I never ate food from British restaurants...
    And i wonder..
    Is british food mixed properly or just everything everywhere? ^^

  • Marcin Olakのプロフィールに行く

    によるポスト  に ポーランド フォーラム 


    Probably the polish cuisine you're refering to is the one whose main courses are schabowy (pork chop), pierogi (dumplings), naleśniki (pancakes) and bigos (stew of cabbage and meat). Yep. That's the peasant's cuisine. Quite fat but has its fans.

    There is also parralel universe of polish cuisine - line developed by polish noblemen. It's called manor cuisine (kuchnia staropolska) and it's so rare even most of polish people don't know it exist! It's servings are quite different than what you might expect. I've heared that nice place to taste it is restaurant and can't wait myself to check it out : )

    bon apetit!

  • によるポスト  に ポーランド フォーラム 

    Adele, Adele,

    You should run to first Turkish restaurant near your place and order Bakla ezmesi and Dolma as a starter, Perde pilavı as a main dish and Baklava as desert and then we will talk.

    Viva la Türkiye!


  • によるポスト  に ポーランド フォーラム 

    Hi Cihan,

    I'm curious - which one is less tasty than the other? And you think the Turkish food is better than real, homemade British cuisine? Who would pass up bangers and mash?

  • によるポスト  に ポーランド フォーラム 

    I think both cuisines can shake hands in this matter. One less tasty than the other. That's why the Turkish food is so popular in both coutries :-p
