Andy Sharma
Andy Sharma
- 私について:
- I have been coming to Cyprus for many years. I had made friends through my work since 2000 my parents subsequently have a home here in Asgata and visit throughout the year. I am now living there with my wife and have been here since April... I love the weather but do miss the chaos of the UK. I would love to get to know like minded Genuine people to make friends and am currently looking for work. I really want to make a positive contribution here in Cyprus i used to organise social events, Dj, produce music and a host of other things back in th UK and have all the equipment etc to continue here. my handle on FB is Nods Sharma if you wanna hook me up. .
- に住む:
- Limassol (Cyprus)
- 言語:
- English
- 探す:
- 友人, ビジネスコンタクト
- コミュニティ:
- Cyprus, Limassol
- 興味:
- retro electronics Vinyl records Playing football
- お気に入りの音楽:
- i Dj so love all sorts of music spanning decades
- 私が好きなもの:
- Life, Genuine people
- 私が嫌うもの:
- Negative selfish people
- 関係:
- Married