Chillibob Charleston

내 정보

Chillibob Charleston
 Chillibob Charleston
내 정보:
I'm the longest living man alive. I was once a pioneer of slavery but bad experiences led me to change my ways and now I am pro-freedom and equality. There are some exceptions of course.. American born and bred.
Madrid (Spain)
English, French, Spanish
친구, 비즈니스 관계
Bolivia, Cote D'Ivoire, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, United States, Madrid, London, Kentucky, Texas


관심 사항:
Dining out, Drama-Plays/Musicals, Fishing, Playing cards, Politics, Sailing/Boating, Wine tasting, Baseball, Football (American), Golf, Horseback Riding, Tennis/Racquet Sports, Yoga, What are computers and non-American football....?
좋아하는 음악:
Opera and Slavery Hardship Hip-Hop groups
좋아하는 영화:
Django Unchained, Lincoln
좋아하는 책:
The American Constitution
좋아하는 것:
America, Colonies, Freedom (I think), Baseball
싫어하는 것:
The British Empire, Junk food, My wife
관계 상태: