Fabrice B

내 정보

Fabrice B
 Fabrice B
내 정보:
Hello , my name is Fabrice I live in a small village, but I work in the capital city Brussels. I like to travel and discover new places and cultures, meeting people.I like to talk about everything.I am a very kind and open person, watherver that I am not always mainstream :). Except travelling so much as I can, I study Spanish at the Cervantes institute of Brussels. I hope later I can also learn some other languages also, like Hungarian or Russian. My other points of interest are photography nature, animals, reading, do long nature walks, go to the movie and much more........ I like also very much music of many different styles, but not techno or house. I am learning to play classic guitarr in the musicacademy. I am also open for new friendships, so feel free to drop me a line. Whatever, so long you are a sincere and honest person. Hope to hear from you soon. Fabrice
Ghent (Belgium)
English, French, Dutch, Spanish
친구, 데이트
Belgium, Hungary, Brussels, Ghent


관심 사항:
Art, Coffee, tea and conversation, Drama-Plays/Musicals, Gardening, Movies/Videos, Music, Photography, Travel/Sightseeing, Baseball, Playing guitar, make long nature walks, reading
좋아하는 영화:
Crash ; Zatoichi ; Volver; Il consequenza del amore
좋아하는 책:
O Alchemista ( Paolo Coehelo); The warrior of the light (Paolo Coehelo), Moesasji (Josikawa); Clouds of Sparrow (Takashi Matsuoka); Outum Bridge (Takashi Matsuoka); The wind in the willows (Keneth Grahame); Shangai triade (Li Xiao)
좋아하는 것:
make new friends and meet people.
싫어하는 것:


직업 분야:
public administration