Mina Raja

내 정보

Mina Raja
 Mina Raja
내 정보:
I moved to Germany from the US about 18 months ago. I'm trying to find English-speakers in the area & maybe some events/fun things to do in English. My German is decent, but not fluent. Looking to find other ex-pats either who speak English.
North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany)
English, Swedish
30 년
Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia


관심 사항:
Animals/Pets, Coffee, tea and conversation, Cooking, Dining out, Drama-Plays/Musicals, Movies/Videos, Music, Shopping, Travel/Sightseeing, Football, Yoga
좋아하는 음악:
Pop, Musical soundtrack, Classical, Electronic/Dance, Singer/Sonwriter
좋아하는 영화:
The Greatest Showman, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Moana, The Holiday, Titanic, My Big Fat Greek Wedding
좋아하는 책:
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, My Sister's Keeper, Night, The Time Hunters, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Someone Knows My Name
좋아하는 것:
music, playing violin, long walks/hiking, Chinese food, the beach/ocean, dogs, hedgehogs, nail polish, lipstick, spontaneous trips, shopping, playing Pokemon Go, going to the cinema, certain board games
싫어하는 것:
math/numbers, black coffee, spiders/bugs, rude/insensitive people, having wet socks, beer, passive aggression,
관계 상태: