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Esl jobs

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Over the last thirty years, teaching English in a foreign country has grown from a field dominated by backpackers, university students on a gap year, etc. into a systematically developed sector where professionalism is mandatory. New as the industry is, there is still a long way to go, both within and out of China; nevertheless, the teaching abroad field has made some significant gains that those involved wish to continue. Better screening, professionalism, etc. creates a better environment for all.

Several decades ago, any light-skinned person from a native country could get a teaching job that would pay for his apartment, food, basic entertainment, and allow some savings. While all companies merely requested either candidates with a bachelor's degree, high school graduates, university students, and even those with forged credentials.

However, nowadays China has technologically and economically developed a more competitive environment that will not tolerant casual teacher employment, and tends to punishes such behaviors. For example, degrees of candidates can be verified using online services like or National Student Clearinghouse; teaching salaries comparable to Western countries ensure that capable, motivated, experienced, and professional teachers are competing for jobs. Slowly, Chinese are understanding that championing Western systems of integrity (and practicing such codes), has rewards in ways that taking short-cuts and unethical practices do not.

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