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Are Germans rude??

Publicēts Vietas Vācija forums

Many of my foreign friends who live in Germany complain that Germans are very rude - or at least unfriendly.

Obviously, as a German myself I don't really experience us that way. But I would like your opinion: Are we really as cold as some people say????

  • Doties uz lietotāja T Y profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    according to Spiegel;

    70 percent of those surveyed say Germany gives too much money to the EU
    Almost half want Germany to drastically reduce immigration

    38 percent believe Islam doesn't fit into a German lifestyle and represents a threat to German values

    30 percent want an "independent Germany, without the euro, where the EU holds no legal sway",1518,762224,00

    again, I am very aware of open minded side of the Germans. and the complains raised here are meant for the other half obviously.

    I'll quote again "Almost half want Germany to drastically reduce immigration" I'm not saying they will hunt down every single immigrant! LOL but already half of the population are sick of immigrants. and this will get worse in the coming years. if already half of the Germans are against immigration, it's not that far from them becoming the majority.

    what I noticed in Germany is that people are either anti nazis or anti foreigners, and not many are impartial. obviously you are one of the anti nazis or at least not against foreigners, and I salute you. but no one is complaining about the open minded Germans like yourself. and it has been raised many times that racism can be significantly prominent in certain parts of Germany. and from my experience, Berliners are definitely friendlier than people in Niedersachsen for example. I'm pretty sure you know a lot of Germans who don't even consider Berliners friendly.

    BTW, not sure what your opinion is, but I support the sentiment among the Germans wanting to become more independent of Europe. every European country needs more sovereignty.

    you can chill now.

  • Joe Bob

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    Are you jokeing? Do you have work?And a family? What will you do if you lose your job? Your family will be without food^^ What will you do? I hope you have no weapon...... Semms here are some haters or I don´t know =)

    My GF is from Mexico, my friend is from India, the other one is polish and my favorite artist is from canada. I live in munich - people from all nations live here and we celebrate together....
    Germans are human even if you don´t belive. But you are only envy us or whatever, you are racists. Talk about other countries^^ And open your eyes! People like you raise violence of th radicals

    I am German and "yes" we have a little problem with racists (like every country) but they get no majority "never"!

  • Doties uz lietotāja T Y profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    Like I said, I know that Germans like you do exist, thank god! And I meet them quite often outside Germany. And German beer is probably the best!

    And I agree with you on the democracy. And I of course support it 100%. And things will change over time, but at this moment, the Germans who are against immigration are becoming the majority (democracy). It may not be clear enough now, but with the turmoil in Europe, I guarantee you that a huge influx of immigrants will come to Germany, much sooner than you can imagine, especially from other Europeans countries looking for work. And naturally Germans will want to protect their own job market. And it is the duty of the government to protect it. BUT that's not what's happening and many Germans, maybe not you, but many of them are not happy about that. And it will only get worse for a few years at least.

    My point is, those anti immigrant Germans are aiming their anger towards the immigrants whom your government lets in to stay without even consulting the German citizens (practically inviting them as cheap labor to support the businesses), instead of blaming the root cause of the immigration issues. I am guessing it is reflecting on how much German government ignores its citizens priorities and wishes, and what we see is the result of that.

    And the fact is that immigrants also have to deal daily with the Germans who oppose to immigration despite of other half of the population. That's why threads like this come up.

    Soon more Germans themselves will have to fight for €1 jobs and €400 / month jobs, which new immigrants are also after, and that will give them more reasons to hate immigrants. People just don't become rude and hostile towards other people without a reason.

    Anyways, if Germany is to become an immigration nation, it needs more people like you, but at the same time, the root cause remains as is unless the Germans unite as one to influence the government and at least take back the sovereignty. It's not about anti immigration vs pro immigration, but as long as the Germans are divided on this issue superficially, there will be no solution but to keep arguing about the immigration, which is pretty much every government wants.

  • Doties uz lietotāja Thorbjörn Heise profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    First of all I'm absolutely shocked about the reputation of germany, the country which I actually live in. I never expected most of your arguments, what is most likely caused by the fact I mentioned before, I surely miss the forest for the trees. It's hard to believe but important to know your view.

    Nonetheless there are some things I'd like to put in perspective. This topic is about the rudeness some - or most - germans seem to display. I focused on this today, sadly you're right. I never considered that, but it strikes me that I might be one of the few friendly people in germany. I asked a good friend from the USA, he told me exactly the same: Germans are rude, unfriendly, unwilling to smile... - well, at least most are. Me and many people I know might be the last resistance against all those bad habits. I do smile most of the day, I do talk to strangers just because I like to, I do say "thank you" and "please" and yes, I hold the doors open for someone behinde me.

    Next one, who the hell told you germans consider themselves superior? Is this about the "We build the best cars, we brew the best beer..."-thing? Take it as a joke, I'm not willing to believe that there is a majority of germans not recognizing egalitarianism. Yes, we do build fantastic cars and our beer IS the best ;) - but nevermind, you brought us hamburges, teryaki, curry-chicken, the "Doener", awesome computers and freaking good music.

    I do really think you have to distinguish, think about it. Germans are not a homogeneous group, we've got neonazis, communists, close-minded people, fundamentalists... welcome to democracy, welcome to the freedom of thoughts and speech. In my opinion it is essential to even let idiots speak. There are people demanding to abolish the nazi-party "NPD" just because they think like they do - this might be the day our democracy is burried.
    Of course you'll find idiots here. Maybe history presented us some more, but that does not mean all germans are like this.

    This includes the behaviour towards immigrants. There are idiots - on both sides. The ugly truth is that we built a parallel society including a lost generation of immigrants without the slightest hope to ever find work. That's of course a bad thing, but we do evolve, we do change. Look at my generation. Like every other generation, we'v got idiots. But unlike the former generations there is a mass of people giving a damn about your origin, color, religion... - and i do believe that within 20 years, all those "problems" might just dissapear, because we do find out that our national state slightly faded to a immigration country. We have to accept that and I do feel optimistic about that:
    Here wa are, a generation of germans, grown up in the light of globalism, multilingual, full of curiosity, tolerant and armed to the teeth with democratic convivtions. I'm convinced we'll do a great job!

  • publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    ...they weren´t trained by me then.

  • publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    That's hilarious because the same happens to me in Ireland!
    And it drives me nuts!!! :D

  • Doties uz lietotāja John Lovejoy profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    @Daniel Hollenbeck

    That is funny you say that.
    In my experience a simple year or no on a simple question is very difficult to get in Germany.
    Usually it’s a long winded tirade or speech leaving you more confused than before you asked.

    More than once I ended up politely interrupting to ask whether this is a YES or NO.
    And the person then telling me that they don’t really know or it depends on.
    What is so difficult about saying you don’t know the answers instead having listen to confused wichigtuerei pontificating.
    There is nothing rude about a simple Yes or No.
    It’s all in the delivery. :))

  • publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    Since I am teaching office clerks, it is a very important part of my lessons to raise awareness for the different approaches in different countries. In international comparison, the "blunt instrument" school of German manners has to be carefully avoided, but it is a very complex matter. You see, in the German companies I myself worked in, there were many upper echelon execs who could and did behave impeccably and had flawless "international" manners- the lower ranks, especially if they were tech support or development guys with an engineering diploma, normally behaved like steamrollers when talking to colleagues from our European offices- they were allowed that in the German company because that´s just what they´re used to.
    Remember that in German, just a "yes" or "no" without any "frills" is not necessarily rude in itself. So our tech guys just adapted that to English and came across as rude b*stards.
    I teach differently for some time now, but I have to admit it´s a bit like trying to teach Asians NOT to smile when embarrassed- well, you get the picture, not that I never tried that one...

  • Doties uz lietotāja T Y profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    ok then, let's get back to bitching about Germans! so, are Germans rude?

  • publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    Oh I know that. It always amuses me how easy it is to get into politics...

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