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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

Publicēts Vietas Vācija forums

I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • Doties uz lietotāja John Lovejoy profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    IMHO, Germany by and large ( of course not everybody) is xenophobic to racist.
    Most just don’t notice it because it’s so normal there.
    They don’t even realize what’s going on around them or the gravity of their own behavior.
    A general lack of empathy deeply engrained in the culture makes this even worse.

    I believe that this lack of empathy is a direct result of the bureaucratic social engineering, where personal responsibility and caring for others is by an large the responsibility of the Government only and not the people for each other.
    Thus they never learned to care for one another or how to walk in someone else's shoes.
    Individual attitude just like everywhere else varies.

  • Doties uz lietotāja John Lovejoy profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    @Daniel Hollenbeck

    Agreed. I don’t care what ethnicity you are, if you attack others with a weapon even worse a law enforcement officer, you stand a chance of getting shot.
    That’s the same in most western nations and has nothing to do with racism.

  • publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    You somehow fail to mention that the woman was wielding a knife and had just stabbed a policeman and was going for another one. Now I´m very sure that in a decent, non-racist country like the US or Canada, the coppers would have calmed the woman down with milk and cookies instead of defending themselves. Typisch deutsch, indeed...
    btw, German police does not have Tasers. And with knives at close quarters, no cop in the world would bother to use one instead of the gun. Funny how you turn that sad story into a racist execution, no?

  • Doties uz lietotāja T Y profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    So she was shot dead because she was carrying a German passport?!?!? Was she armed or posed any danger to the public? I don't think you can even taser someone if the person is not causing danger. Wow. Typisch deutsch. You know what they say though. "Things like that can happen anywhere in the world!" LOL. Same shit as the egyptian lady stabbed to death in German court by a "russian" german guy while police shot the husband who was the only one tried to save her, and the media was focusing on the "RUSSIAN".

    People of color in germany are living in a parallel world, and very often non-German Caucasians speak for ALL the foreigners and dismiss the racism in Germany. Toytown forum is another example of that.

    And I noticed them blaming the Spanish too right after the e coli incidents. It's just sickening. Typical though. I don't know how they always manage to keep all these racist incidents from getting out to overseas.

  • Doties uz lietotāja patrick eso profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    @ncst ncst
    I don't agree with your comparism of Germany with other European countries.Since how long you 've lived in Germany to understand how racist they are.I have been a victim many times in the past, many of my friends too.Even a judge in a court told a friend of mine , it is better he lives abroad and then visit his kids in Germany.How many of you can say the have not wittnessed racism while living in Germany, who are non Germans in these forum.The irony is that they like to play the blame game when the make an error.Look at the recent E-coli issue . The said iimediatelly it was Spain. Just to confuse people, polorize the EU politics. Why the don't say it was England?.I read on the newspaper some where recently of the shooting of an Afro German in a Job centre around Frankfurt area aparently , she went to ask for benefit, then rest is history.I read a policewoman shot her. How could in a civilized society ,in modern Europe a woman is shot by police?.Where is the so called Human right Laws?. Then answer they were giving is the dead woman has a German passport.That reason is totally not enough. Why not taser her, and disarm her. Only just the last option.The woman happens to be black African, no value in life?Tomorrow on Tv the will show me some Dictator in the middle east that is kiling his people. It is everyday on German channel. Rubbish!!!! , At home the shot a woman.?Freiheit?????

  • publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    The Germans are not more racist than any other country in Western Europe. What is happening is that the 30 years lost of non europeans have arrived, and a small part of then have been causing trouble. Im from Belgium: 45% of inmates in Belgian prisons are do not have the belgian nationality. And of those with the Belgian nationality: it was far too easy to get as an immigrant... I suscept similar number for germany.
    Many came from poor areas in Turkey, Middle East etc. for example. They came to y continued to live here liike they lived in their country of origin, kids being loud out on the streets all day, men often unemployed hanging out together, in their own bars, casinos, markets (if you've been there u know what I mean: life happens outside of the house much more than here) - which scares the Germans of course: groups speaking a not understable language intimidate. Newspapers here full of criminal facts, more and more by immigrants coz there are ever more of them.
    So what do you expect: of course the Germans will have a more negative attitude towards immigrants. But that is not really racism. A professor from Istanbul will be happily accepted here. On the other hand: women with a boerka: How can they contribute to society here? That is what Germans ask. But it is not racism. A more controlled immigration policy like australia or canada would have been helpfull. Try and build a christian church in the Middle East. Impossible.
    So you could say some understanding and gratitude for the huge changes that the german society has been through the past decades would be in place. But dont make them all racist, just like not all immigrants are unemployed and cause only problems.
    ps: to the women immigrants: if men stare at you, maybe it simply is because you look good? :-)

  • Doties uz lietotāja T Y profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    history is like the new testament. whatever the authors, who interpreted the events through their eyes and chose to put in words with their twists, will be kept and taught as truth, and there's no proof other than what's written. so as you said, the ones who won the wars wrote the history, which has been taught in school. the only thing that is certain is the pattern of the history. as they say, history repeats itself. but the details are usually tainted.

    but with that said, I'm in the same boat as you. no time to spend much time on learning the history... and if the history I can find is often falsified, then hmmmmm, I just guesstimate it with a logic and common sense! :)

  • Doties uz lietotāja T Y profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    I concur with Claudia as well. I've spent most of my time in North Germany, and though people aren't that much more cheerful in Köln or Dortmund than in Hannover, North Germans, young and old alike, are blatantly ignorant and they seem to make even an extra effort to make foreigners feel unwelcome.

  • publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    That's true about the perspectives, but I'm just asking about the version that is accepted as the truth, so no revisionism there. I put what I have learned with what I experience now, and to me, some things just don't make sense.

    Though you are right, I'm not willing to take the time to launch an investigation of my own because that would require a lot of time to do it right, and when you have bills to pay, you don't have that luxury.

  • Claudia Aragón García

    publicēja  - Vietas Vācija forums 

    You live in Dortmund where I grew up and the multicultural sicene of this town is very different to people in North Germany where I live.

    People who live in cities with "pure multiculturality" has accepted this and opened its mind to other cultures, but people who live in cities with less people from outside have still fear from that what they don´t know, and outsiders can feel this by the way they are treated. It doesn´t matter which conduct you have, north germans are the first who don´t respect anything and insult foreigners without knowing anything about them.

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