Kaal Naki

За мене

Kaal Naki
 Kaal Naki
За мене:
Friendly and down to earth. Fun loving and easy going - can get along with anyone. Into fitness and certified in Yoga, can help and advice anyone in need, Love to travel and good food,
Живеење во:
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Пријатели, среќава, Бизнис контакти
Netherlands, Limburg, The Hague, Maastricht


Art, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Music, Nightclubs/Dancing, Sailing/Boating, Travel/Sightseeing, Volunteer/Community Activities, Biking, Bowling, Cricket, Football, Jogging, Rock Climbing, Swimming, Yoga
Омилена музика:
instrumental, classics, rock, trans
Омилени филмови:
comedy, action thriller and detective - spy
Работи кои ги сакам:
Honesty, Humbleness, Kindness, Tantra, Yoga, Feet
Работи кои ги мразам:
Liars, showoff,
Семеен статус :
Во отворена врска