Maruwan Gasant

За мене

Maruwan Gasant
 Maruwan Gasant
За мене:
I've been an actor for the last fifteen years. Latest appearances include playing revolutionary Russian, Lenin and an historic Islamic figure, 'Umaya,' for the BBC series History of the World. I played the gangster, Augustus September, in the movie SKEEM which won the audience award at Abu Dhabi (is that spelled correctly?) Film Festival. Prior to that I played a Judge in SABC's series, SA Law Final Verdict and a pilot episode of a new comedy series for Kyknet called Treknet. Here's hoping 2012 will be as good! I recently completed the manuscript of my first novel, Night of the Dogs,' (umpteenth draft!). It is a docudrama set on a farm which serves as a microcosm of South African society from when South Africa was 'discovered' to date. With the economic climate being what it is at the moment, it is difficult to get published and the move away from printed books is not helping any! Anyone out there know anything about e-books?
Живеење во:
South Africa
English, Afrikaans
Пријатели, Бизнис контакти
South Africa


Painting. Held my first exhibition and sold my first painting in 1995.
Омилена музика:
All types of music
Омилени филмови:
Bridges of Madison County, Apocalypse Now, Meet Joe Black, Alien, Predator etc
Омилени книги:
Catch 22, Germinal, Who is John Galt? Riotous Assembly.
Работи кои ги сакам:
Reading (lately about farming), Art, Movies, Watching good soccer, Poetry.
Работи кои ги мразам:
Prejudice, Plagiarism.