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Can I have Healht Research anywhere in Europe?

Geplaatst in Wereld forum

Hello to all,

I have since school days problems with sinusitis but at the same time I have got atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. There are also problems with my neck and shoulder blade: the muscle (levator scapula is swollen and very hard).
I have visited different doctors since 1989 and I still don't know where is the cause?
As we are members of EU (since 2004) and I have normal (double) Health Insurance I would like to have some kind of Research, to find finally what is wrong with me. I am very sleepy, have eyes pains and at the same time swollen face and yellow dark Urin.
We are small country and don't have Research Centre.

Thank you for any answer,
Ms. Bobbie

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