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Did you know that you can increase your chances of getting a job by being in the

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​​​​Did you know that you can increase your chances of getting a job by being in the "Top Talent" category? Headhunters are always on the lookout for top talent. So how can you pre​​sent yourself to be one? Here are some ways:
​- ​Have ​an online portfolio of your professional work - or even personal projects​ - ​ that show your skills​ and abil​​ities​.​ ​​Make sure your projects have a ​high ​professional quality.
​- ​Put evidence of your skills where recruiters will see it - such as through LinkedIn Publish feature​​. Don't underestimate the value of this.
​- ​Apply to jobs through nontraditional ways, like sending a sample of your work along with a link to your p​​ortfolio instead of a CV.​ Using snail mail instead of email might have better results. ​

​For more job search advice, see:​

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