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Your good day from Greece

Publisert i Bosnia-Hercegovina forum

I search for friends women-men from the all world with aim the exchange of ideas and good company.
I send to your my friendly invitation and i will be glad him to say.
My friendship from Greece.

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  • ahmed badawy

    innsent av  i Bosnia-Hercegovina forum 

    hiii anti , greeatings from riyadh .. am ahmed egyptian live in KSA and would be pleasure to have your friendship



  • lolo wrd

    innsent av  i Bosnia-Hercegovina forum 

    السلام عليكم
    أخ لافيز انا من اسبوع كنت ابحث عن اي شخص يخبرني عن البوسنه

    وينصحني ببعض الامور لانيي اود السفر اليها كسياحه ممكن اذا عندك درايه بالموضوع ارجو ان تتواصل معي

    ارجو قبول مروري

  • lafiz zaid

    innsent av  i Bosnia-Hercegovina forum 

    thats good of u..ur invition mains u are like pepole and ur frindly

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