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New members - Introduce yourself!

Publisert i De forente arabiske emirater forum

Have you just joined our community? Then take a couple of minutes to introduce yourself to our other members! What are you doing in UAE? What are you looking for in the community? And what are your ideas of how we can improve the UAE community?

We hope you enjoy the Just Landed as much as we do. Good luck!

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  • naturewalker SG

    innsent av  i De forente arabiske emirater forum 

    Hi all... i came across this site a few months back when i was doing my research and have been meaning to join the community but only found the time now cos of the holidays. I have been living in Dubai for more than 2 years and would love to exchange views and ideas about Dubai, the region and living abroad.

  • innsent av  i De forente arabiske emirater forum 

    hi ramona,i shajan from india,now i am here UAE ,Abu Dhabi,working,u most welcome to UAE sure when u reach this country just call me,we all u r friends,dont worry,but u know i am working in abudhabi,but again sure we can become good friend,i am very happy to help u,u know i am not in UAE local but again sure i can help little & sure we can become good friend take care,when u reach this country u call me

    take care

    bye shajan

  • innsent av  i De forente arabiske emirater forum 

    Hi am Charlotte, a girl from France, I'm planning to travel around the UAE, I hope I can manage that on day ;)

    Bye bye

  • Dania Dania

    innsent av  i De forente arabiske emirater forum 

    I am a german convert muslim lady living in UAE. U can contact me on msn [...] :-)

  • Gå til Sheila Effendis profil

    innsent av  i De forente arabiske emirater forum 

    I am a muslim living in Italy, would like to meet English speaking females in Arab countries, to chat and frienship - love islam

  • Gå til Brooklyn Ss profil

    innsent av  i De forente arabiske emirater forum 


    My name is Brooklyn and I'm looking to move to Dubai for work in 2009. I joined here so that i could make some friends before i go! I have read lots about Dubai and can't wait to see it. I'm an ESL teacher and a Psychologist and am seeking employment - so if you know of anyone who needs a teacher or a psychologist, please let me know :)


  • Moxx .

    innsent av  i De forente arabiske emirater forum 

    Hi there
    Glad to know that you are working.. But where do u work? dont u worry I wont come there (heheh)

    Best regards

  • Lonely Princess

    innsent av  i De forente arabiske emirater forum 


    Actually | am local from UAE. what I am doing here!! hmmm its my country >> I live and work here.
    I think UAE community has its own culture and tradition, I think people has to read more about UAE from the religious and cultural sides.


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