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How do you travel around in Korea?

Publisert i Sør-Korea forum

Hi, guys :)
I am Chatlotte, a Korean traveler.

How do you guys travel around your city in Korea?
As you know, there are many interesting cities in Korea.
Seoul, Busan, Gangneung, Daegu, Andong, Jecheon etc.

I made an an app for travelers, and it must be really helpful for you.

Basically my app 'serentrip' is for finding nice trip buddy :)
But Serentrip is based on Korea, and lots of Korean travelers using this app.
So if you have a plan to trip in Korea, just download this app and get some tips from locals! :>
They can help you prepare travel and if you are lucky, you can find the best local guides for you :)

(of course you can find travelers planning to other countries, like USA, France, Taiwan, Japan, Germany and so on.)

Meet Korean travelers with app 'Serentrip'

▶ App download Link (IOS) (Android)

Thanks :>

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