Fitforfamily .
Om meg
- Om meg:
- We, at Fit for Family, believe that relationships are crucial in your Christian walk. God created the wonderful institution of marriage and family. It needs to be nurtured and cultivated to continue growing.
- Bor i:
- Hamburg (Germany)
- Språk:
- English
- Ser etter:
- Venner
- Grupper:
- Hamburg
- Webside:
- Firma/Institusjon:
- Fit For Family - The Christian Marriage Preparation Course
- Webside:
- Firmablogg:
- Virksomhetsområde:
- Education
- Posisjon:
- Manager
- Fitforfamily .
It is also very serious about single people. It is sometimes not easy being a single person when everyone around you is married or dating. It offers a few events for Christian singles that enable them to meet other single Christians. It is not always easy to meet other Christians in our busy lives. These events are designed to allow singles to mingle and get to know one another better in a relaxed setting.
- Fitforfamily .
Fit For Family believes that relationships are crucial in your Christian walk. It Offers Family life preparation & Premarital and Marriage courses for Christian Schools And Churches. It also offer events and seminars throughout the year for Singles, Families and Schools/Churches. For more information about The Christian Marriage Preparation Course visit the site OR Call : 049-5722-9202182