Jane Pecayo
Om meg
Jane Pecayo
- Om meg:
- Hmm..Well,,I can be moody and shy..Happy person is all I can say is their first impression of me.. Mild Mannered unless Provoked,Trustworthy..Down to Earth..Flexible..Fun to be with..And Crazy Sometimes(hahaha)..I always make the effort to be Polite..Can Love as much as Possible and If I really Love the person..I always find a reason to stay and to keep on Believing.. I'm Pretty VAIN and a little bit IRONIC I do what I want and I live my life the way I want it.. I decide for myself and everything I am now is my choice.. I easily trust and love someone.. I'm consistently inconsistent. .I could be nice and joyful and suddenly, cruel and mad.. I carry a huge human ego and pride in my veins but I know how to apologize for everything I did wrong.. I'm fatalistic but God has been my necessity.. I think a lot..I love reflecting and learning new things about life. I hate people who are NARROW -MINDED,INSENSITIVE and JUDGE MENTAL....
- Bor i:
- Philippines
- Språk:
- English
- Ser etter:
- Venner, Dating
- Alder:
- 41 år
- Grupper:
- Philippines, South Korea
- Interesser:
- Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Cooking, Gardening, Movies/Videos, Music, Nightclubs/Dancing, Dancing, Jogging, Volleyball, My Interests ♥, Chocolates. ...Cakes...Ice Cream...Music... Books...Poetry...Philosophy...Freindster...Movies... Make-up and STARS..., My Hobbies ♥, Reading...Writing...Thinking...Musics... Picture- taking...Watching Movies... Joking...Chatting with my Friends...and of course...Being with someone who Cares for me...
- Favorittmusikk:
- rnb, hiphop, house, slow rock, love songs, instrumental, banghra, jpop, garage, world, kraut rock, bossa nova
- Favorittfilmer:
- Quenn of The Damn....I know What U Did Last Summer....Scary Movie 1... .Scary Movie 2... Armageddon... Moulin Rouge ....Titanic... House of Wax...Chocolate factory... Peter Pan...Spider Man.... Romeo must Die...Rush Hour ...Alien vs. Predator... The One..
- Favorittbøker:
- Confession of a Teenage Drama Quenn...Sisters by Danielle Steel....Forever by Jude Deveraux....The Promise In A Kiss by Stephanie Lawrence...Jane Hyre by Charlotte Bronte The Real Deal by Fern Michaels...The Adventure of Tom Sawyer...Sophie's World by Jos
- Ting jeg liker:
- ♥♥ Books ♥♥
- Ting jeg hater:
- ♥♥ spider ♥♥ cockroach ♥♥ snakes ♥♥ rats ♥♥ eeeewwww hahaha!!!
- Sivilstatus:
- Single
Karla Ville North Prenza 2
Marilao, Bulacan
Marilao, Bulacan
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- Jane Pecayo
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